Field Placement Student Spotlight

The Field Placement Program is very proud of the valuable and substantive work that our student externs engage with and produce in their externships. The students and alumni below are exemplary of the valuable experiences that GW Law students receive by externing with government, judicial, and nonprofits in Washington, DC, and throughout the country. 

Jalal Ansari, JD ‘20




Jalal Ansari, JD ‘20

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Fall 2019

U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Public Integrity Section, Spring 2022

Jalal chose GW because of the Field Placement Program! Now with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, he says the opportunities Field Placement gave him are why he is now in his dream job. 

"The Field Placement Program was my primary motivation for attending GW. Through the program, I supplemented my academic study with real-world experience at government agencies. These opportunities were the highlight of my law school career and were the reason I was able to secure employment at my dream job after graduation. The relationships I developed through my internships were also invaluable."


Terry Ayzman JD ‘24




Terry Ayzman, JD ‘24

Federal Communications Commission, Fall 2022

Terry's externship with the Federal Communications Commission in the Office of Commissioner Brendan Carr has allowed him to be a part of the increasingly important modernization of the nation’s infrastructure rules and acceleration of the buildout of high-speed networks.

Terry says, “Whether it is bridging the digital divide, or helping defend the nation's emergency alert systems from malign actors, my placement at the FCC has given me fresh perspective into the value of my legal education, allowing me to meaningfully explore prospective career paths in telecommunications, data privacy, and beyond.”


Leila Diallo, JD ‘23




Leila Diallo, JD ‘23

House Committee on Homeland Security, Fall 2021

Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Spring 2022

Leila is one of our most active Student Externs! In her Fall 2021 Field Placement with the House Committee on Homeland Security, she expanded her professional network and career toolbelt. She has leveraged her externship experience in interviews and is a member of the 2022 GW Law in New York program. 

Her advice for someone considering Field Placement is “APPLY! The Field Placement Program is unique to GW Law. There is, quite literally, an externship for everyone, regardless of GPA or interest. I used this opportunity to experience working in areas that I have no interest in practicing after graduation. Additionally, what better way to learn how to be a lawyer than hands-on training? Whether you will be a first-year associate or junior level attorney, the Field Placement Program will put you steps ahead of your counterparts coming out of law school.”


Nicholas Florio, JD ‘23




Nicholas Florio, JD ‘23

U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York, Spring 2022

Nick is a participant of the 2022 GW Law in New York (GWNY) Program! Nicholas has fostered his interests in bankruptcy court by externing with Judge Elizabeth Strong in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York. The experience has given him greater insight into his classroom experience in his Corporate Restructuring class and has made for great talking points during networking conversations.

He says, “For those considering the Field Placement Program, go for it! It is a wonderful opportunity to add meaningful stripes to your professional profile and develop your network beyond GW. I look forward to exploring my next field placement opportunities for my 3L year!”


Calsy Hartman, JD ‘23




Calsy Hartman, JD ‘23

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Spring 2022

Calsy Hartman (JD ‘23) spent the Spring 2022 semester with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. She says, “What my externship gave me was confidence in myself as a future lawyer. As the first lawyer in my family, I was very nervous about the work product I submitted and whether or not I was on the right track with my work assignments. The opportunity to extern in the Field Placement Program has allowed me to develop my legal research and writing skills and increase my confidence in my work, knowing I am a smart and capable future lawyer.”

Calsy’s advice for other GW Law students is, “Given the incredible number of opportunities available to gain legal experience in DC, everyone should take advantage of the Field Placement Program at least once. My externship was an amazing opportunity to learn from accomplished attorneys while also taking a corequisite course that expanded my knowledge of the numerous roles government attorneys engage with.”


Kimberly Henrickson, JD ‘22




Kimberly Henrickson, JD ‘22

U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fall 2021

During Kimberly’s externship with the US Department of Justice, Criminal Division, she was able to fine-tune her legal research and writing skills and learn about the exciting life of a DOJ trial attorney firsthand. 

Kimberly’s advice for law students considering externships is, “Just go for it, no matter how selective or competitive the internship might be! Any internship in DC is within reach as a student at GW Law. I recommend taking stock of any careers you are intrigued by but have no idea whether you would actually enjoy. An internship is a great low-stakes way to see if something is the right fit for you!”


Kimberly Henrickson, JD ‘22




Sara Hodgkins, JD ‘24

Equal Rights Advocates, Fall 2022

From Sara's experience with Equal Rights Advocates (ERA), a nonprofit and national civil rights organization focused on achieving gender equity for workers and students through litigation, legislative advocacy, and public education, she will gain critical legal experience and have an opportunity to procure invaluable exposure to disparities within the workplace and how to combat such issues with a hands-on approach. 

Sara says “In more ways than one, my experience with ERA brings my legal education to life. Just last spring, I was a 1L student in Legislation and Regulation where we learned about notice and comment rulemaking for the first time. Now, in the wake of the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX, I have the opportunity to contribute my research and writing to ERA’s official public comments. I am delighted to serve an organization whose mission and values are so close to my heart. I have gained unique skills and experiences in the process which is all thanks to Field Placement.”


Fernando Lobo, LLM ‘22




Emily Lewis, JD ‘22

Court of Appeals of Maryland, Spring 2021

Emily Lewis (JD ‘22) came to GW Law as a transfer student and focused immediately on building her resume and developing a professional network. In the Spring of her 2L year, she externed with the Court of Appeals of Maryland while concurrently enrolled in the Judicial Lawyering corequisite class taught by Judge Craig Iscoe of the DC Superior Court. Emily was connected to ArentFox Schiff LLP by Judge Iscoe, who was previously a partner of the firm, and after graduation, Emily will join the firm as an associate!

Emily says, “My Field Placement experience was one of the best, if not the best, experiences I have had during law school, and is one of the key reasons I am so glad I came to GW Law. I learned about several new areas of law and gained multiple new writing samples of different lengths. Most, if not all, of the OCI interviews involved detailed discussions of my externship experience, and I am confident that my experience improved my applications significantly. I strongly recommend students to pursue externships with the Field Placement Program!”


Fernando Lobo, LLM ‘22




Fernando Lobo, LLM ‘22

The World Bank, Spring 2022

Fernando Lobo joins us as an LLM student at GW Law all the way from São Paolo, Brazil! Fernando came into the Field Placement office in October 2021 letting us know about his dream of externing with the World Bank, and we are so pleased to see this dream actualized! Fernando’s work with the World Bank’s Office of Suspension and Debarment is directly related to his LLM in Government Procurement Law at GW.


Josh Lopez, JD ‘22




Josh Lopez, JD ‘22

U.S. Department of Commerce, Information Law Division, Spring 2021

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Fall 2021

Josh found his experience with the U.S. Department of Commerce so valuable that he decided to return to the Field Placement Program to extern with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit! He says, "The Field Placement program provided a common grounding point for advice in making the most of my internship and managing my workload and school commitments. It helped me feel comfortable in my internship roles and navigate networking and skill development."

The importance of experiential learning in law school is certainly something Josh has leaned into, "Classes provide important knowledge. However, there are undoubtedly experiences, skills, connections, and insights I could not have learned without the opportunities provided by the Field Placement program."


Bria Manlove, JD ‘23




Bria Manlove, JD ‘23

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Enforcement, Spring 2022

Bria’s interest in corporate law and background in economics, paired with her interest in learning more about the SEC's efforts to protect investors and maintain fair and efficient markets, makes her an ideal candidate for the SEC’s Student Honors Program! 

Bria chose to participate in the GW Law Field Placement Program because she recognized the vast and unmatched opportunities for law students in Washington, DC!


Summer Menefee, JD ‘22




Summer Menefee, JD ‘22

Office of Attorney General for the District of Columbia, Family Services Division, Fall 2021

After graduating with a degree in Russian from Sewanee: The University Of The South, Summer joined us in the nation’s capital. Summer’s experience with the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia in the Family Services Division allowed her to focus on child abuse issues, gain experience in drafting opening statements, closing statements and pre-trial documents, and to sit in on court proceedings and forensic examinations. 

When asked what advice she has for students in the Field Placement Program, she says “Check in with your supervisors often, and do not be afraid to ask for projects you want.” 


Eden Nebel, JD ‘22




Eden Nebel, JD ‘22

Investment Adviser Association, Fall 2020

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Spring 2021

Investment Company Institute, Fall 2021 & Spring 2022

Eden has participated in GW Law’s Field Placement Program a record four times! Eden has added extensive bullet points to his resume, focusing on investments and fostering an invaluable network of mentors through his externships. 

Eden’s advice for student externs is to “Use the Program to develop a great network of mentors. From professors to supervisors, I have been able to find such great mentors that have helped me further develop into the law student and future attorney that I hope to be.”


Azad Niroomand, JD ‘23




Azad Niroomand, JD ‘23

U.S. Department of Justice, in Fall 2021

U.S. Department of State, in Fall 2022

Through the Field Placement Program, Azad has received direct mentorship from high-level attorneys and his corequisite course professors which have amplified his practical legal experience in government litigation. These experiences have contributed to Azad’s success in securing a post-graduation position as a litigation associate in the Washington, DC office of Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, LLP!

Azad says, “One of the most underappreciated benefits of going to law school in DC is the incredible diversity of legal externship opportunities available within the city. Whether you are interested in government service, judicial agencies, or non-profit organizations, there are hundreds of opportunities that you can take advantage of as a GW Law student.”


Jacob Orgel, JD ‘22




Jacob Orgel, JD ‘22

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Reform, Fall 2021

U.S. House of Representatives, Office of Congressman Eric Swalwell, Spring 2022

Jacob spent his 3L year in externships on Capitol Hill with the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Reform and Office of Congressman Eric Swalwell. His externship work included expanding voting rights, supporting Ukraine’s fight for democracy, and ensuring justice for victims of sexual exploitation. He had the unique opportunity to witness the inner workings of our legislative process, navigate its complexities, and experience the fulfillment of representative public service.

His advice for students is “Find a position that aligns with your interests, identify your goals for the experience, and seek to learn as much as possible from the supervisors and peers in your placement. The Field Placement Program offers a unique opportunity to see legal concepts come to life and to meet mentors and colleagues that can shape a student's professional trajectory.”


Kendrick Pela, LLM ‘22




Kendrick Pela, LLM ‘22

International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, Spring 2022

Kendrick’s work as a student extern in the Field Placement Program involved conducting open-source research to identify statistics and relevant information pertaining to issues of child abduction and exploitation in the northern part of Nigeria. 

Kendrick says, “As a national security student, this research experience has broadened my knowledge on how human trafficking may intersect with national security issues. This experience has also improved my ability to identify and retrieve information necessary to support legal decision-making.”


Jamond Perry, JD ‘17




Jamond Perry, JD ‘17

Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (DCPSC), Spring 2016

During Jamond’s externship, he focused on clean energy issues and had the opportunity to work closely with then-Chairman Willie L. Phillips. After practicing in the private sector with Troutman Sanders, LLP initially after graduation, Jamod returned to DCPSC as an Attorney Advisor. Thereafter, when Commissioner Phillips was nominated to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by President Biden and confirmed by the United States Senate in 2021, he asked Jamond to join his team as Legal Counsel and Advisor. 

Jamond has shared that he believes that his Field Placement experience was a “critical springboard” for his career. 


Jendi Samai, JD ‘23




Emmanuella Saforo, JD ‘23

U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Spring 2022

Emmanuella’s externship with the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, provided her with the opportunity that she sought to protect and preserve health and safety in our country. Emmanuella’s externship work included examining preparedness for and response to COVID-19, including the planning for and implementation of testing, containment, and surveillance activities. She also developed critical legal skills by preparing documents for hearings, drafting question lines, and honing her research and writing skills. Additionally, she served as a public health team member, allowing her to work under the leadership of United States Representative James Clyburn.

When asked about her externship Emmanualla says "It didn't feel like a job, it felt like fulfilling a purpose."


Jendi Samai, JD ‘23




Jendi Samai, JD ‘23

Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Spring 2022

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Fall 2022

Jendi has been proactive about pursuing her ideal externship, and her persistence and skill landed her a wonderful opportunity with Judge Iscoe in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in Spring 2022. 

In her own words: "I worked with Dean McCoy on my interview, and she helped me execute a "proactive" interviewing style. Being proactive meant that I demonstrated presence and confidence in my abilities and how they would contribute to the externship. Dean McCoy's approach is one I will carry on with me anytime I interview moving forward. As Judge Iscoe presides over the Mental Health Community Court and the Drug Court, this is a unique opportunity to observe proceedings in an intervention court and see how it differs and compares to traditional trial hearings."


Chelsea Sullivan, JD ‘23




Chelsea Sullivan, JD ‘23

Equip for Equality, Spring 2022

Chelsea spent the Spring 2022 semester in a remote externship with Equip for Equality, an Illinois-based organization focused on advancing the human and civil rights of people with disabilities in administrative, state, and federal matters. The externship afforded Chelsea an opportunity to advance systemic change by providing direct legal representation, conducting research on a wide range of issues, and drafting documents, including demand letters and memoranda.

For students considering an externship, Chelsea says, “I would highly recommend the Field Placement Program. The flexibility of the Program allows you to supplement your doctrinal classes with experience that teaches you how the law is carried out in the real world. It is often said that law school does not prepare you to become a practicing attorney, but the Field Placement Program provides an opportunity to pursue a hands-on externship and develop skills that can only be improved outside of the classroom.”


Chelsea Sullivan, JD ‘23




Maggie Sullivan, JD ‘23

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Fall 2021

Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Spring 2022

Maggie Sullivan took full advantage of the Field Placement Program in her 2L year with externships with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Through these experiences, she developed her legal research and writing skills in the context of prosecuting violations of environmental statutes and from the perspective of a neutral decision-maker.

In recognizing the unique externship opportunities and fantastic professional network available to her as a student of The George Washington University Law School, Maggie's advice to other students considering an externship in DC is, "Take the time to develop strong connections with your supervisors. As an extern in DC, you'll be learning from incredible attorneys, so take advantage of the opportunity to create valuable, long-lasting mentorships and professional relationships." 


Chelsea Sullivan, JD ‘23




Joel Taubman, JD ‘23

The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Fall 2021

While at the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Joel was able to support clients facing anti-Semitism and to advance fundamental civil and human rights. Through the externship, Joel was able to strengthen his research and writing skills while simultaneously focusing on legal issues that he is passionate about and that have a significant impact on others. 

Joel says, “Field Placement is an opportunity that you can't miss out on. You get real-world experience, you are able to try out a type of legal practice to see if you would like it, and you can even spend your days fighting for something you believe in. The credits are just an added perk.”


Kailee Vick, JD ‘24




Cole Vick, JD ‘24

Brady: United Against Gun Violence, Fall 2022

Cole's incredibly important work has provided an opportunity to gain substantive legal work experience, understand the litigation process, and to rapidly respond to major developments of summer 2022, from the Uvalde shooting to the Supreme Court’s decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen

When asked about the Field Placement Program and GW Law, Cole says: “I chose the George Washington University Law School because of its emphasis on experiential learning and after hearing Dean Keri McCoy speak about the robustness of the Field Placement Program and how critical it is for law students to develop their legal skills and increase their marketability in order to achieve their career goals. I knew that the opportunities available to me as a GW Law student would allow me to get as much hands-on experience with legal employers as possible, especially in DC. Unlike other law students outside of the area, I have been able to continue my summer work into the fall semester because incredible externship opportunities are available to GW Law students year round.”