Celorio, Rosa

GW Law Faculty Publications

January 2, 2022

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(With Hurst Hannum, S. James Anaya & Dinah L. Shelton.) International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice (7th ed., Aspen Publishing, 2023)
      Sixth edition published in 2018.

Women and International Human Rights in Modern Times: A Contemporary Casebook (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022).


The Istanbul Convention through the Lens of the Americas and Africain Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence 34 (Sara De Vido & Micaela Frulli eds., Edgar Elgar Publ’g, 2023).

The Kaleidoscope of Climate Change and Human Rights: The Promise of International Litigation for Women, Indigenous Peoples, and Children, 13 Ariz. J. Env’t L. & Pol’y 155 (2023).

Legal & H.R. Centre and Centre for Reproductive Rights (on behalf of Tanzanian girls) v. Tanz. (Afr. Committee of Experts on the RTS & Welfare of the Child (ACERWC)), 62 I.L.M. 899 (2023).

Several Steps Forward, One Backward: Climate Change, Latin America, and Human Rights Resilience, 34 Md. J. Int'l L. 96 (2019).
     Reprinted as: Several Steps Forward, One Backward: Climate Change, Latin America, and Human Rights Resilience, in 1 Comparative Environmental Law and Regulations § 2C (Lye Lin-Heng, Elizabeth Burleson, Kirk W. Junker & Nicholas A. Robinson eds., Thomson Reuters, 2021).

Introductory Note to José Isabel Salas Galindo and Others: United States (Inter-Am. Comm’n H.R.), 58 Int’l Legal Materials 738 (2019).

Discrimination and the Regional Human Rights Protection Systems: The Enigma of Effectiveness, 40 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 781 (2019).

Puerto Rico v. Sanchez Valle: Insights on the Dual Sovereignty Doctrine, Double Jeopardy, and the Status of Puerto Rico, Geo. Wash. L. Rev. On the Docket (June 22, 2016), https://www.gwlr.org/puerto-rico-v-sanchez-valle-insights-on-the-dual-sovereignty-doctrine-double-jeopardy-and-the-status-of-puerto-rico/.

The Case of Karen Atala and Daughters: Toward a Better Understanding of Discrimination, Equality, and the Rights of Women, 15 CUNY L. Rev. 335-389 (2012).

The Rights of Women in the Inter-American System of Human Rights: Current Opportunities and Challenges in Standard-Setting, 65 U. Miami L. Rev. 819-847 (2011).

Introductory Note to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case of Gonzalez (Cotton Field) v. Mexico, 49 Int’l Legal Materials 637-639 (2010).

Introductory Note to the European Court of Human Rights: Opuz v. Turkey, 48 Int’l Legal Materials 907-908 (2009).


Autonomía, Mujeres y Derechos: Tendencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Revista Electrónica Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales A. L. Gioja (June – Nov. 2018), at 1.

Derechos, Libertad, Autonomía y Matrimonio. El legado Constitucional e Internacional de Obergefell vs. Hodges, in La constitucionalización del derecho de familia Perspectivas comparadas (N. E. Yaksic, A. M. Ibarra Olguín eds. 2018).


The Rights of Indigenous Women and Girls: General Recommendation 39 of the CEDAW Committee, 27 ASIL Insights, no. 11, Oct. 23, 2023, https://www.asil.org/sites/default/files/ASIL_Insights_2023_V27_I11.pdf.

Nuevo Comentario a Fallo de la Corte IDH, Debates sobre Derechos Humanos (Sept. 27, 2023), https://debatesdh.blogspot.com/2023/09/nuevo-comentario-fallo-de-la-corte-idh_0153689053.html.

Having Strong Gender Violence Laws Isn’t Enough, Am. Q. (Oct. 21, 2020), https://americasquarterly.org/article/having-strong-gender-violence-laws-isnt-enough/.

The Need for Human Rights in Times of Crisis, Oxford Human Rights Hub (June 12, 2020.

A Glimpse of Hope from the U.S. Supreme Court: Bostock v. Clayton County, RightsViews (June 30, 2020), http://blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/rightsviews/2020/06/30/a-glimpse-of-hope-from-the-u-s-supreme-court-bostock-v-clayton-county/.