Student Organizations

Students at GW Law are active and involved members of their academic community. Over the years, they have established over 60 organizations that reflect their diverse interests and concerns. These organizations play an important role beyond that of fostering camaraderie. By sponsoring speakers, hosting panel discussions, and encouraging dialogue on a wide variety of legal issues, the activities of GW Law student organizations have become an important extension of the curriculum. Through these organizations, students also make significant contributions to the Washington, DC-area community.

Please fill out the form below if your student organization needs an email address and we will get you set up with one!

Information for Holding an Event as a Student Organization

GW Law School Organizations, with a few exceptions, work with and through the SBA to plan and host events. All Student Organization events must comply with the Student Organization Handbook. Information about hosting events can be found starting on pg. 25. Events with alcohol or travel must be approved in advance.

A few things to keep in mind:

  1. As of 2021, University funds cannot be used to buy single use plastics. This means student organizations cannot use the money they receive from the SBA Senate to buy single use plastics. This GW Single Use Plastics Elimination Guide may be useful for complying with this policy.
  2. In addition to the information that must be submitted before your Student Organization holds an event, SBA requires student organizations to submit a post event report. Link to event report is coming soon.

Student Organizations

Student Bar Association (SBA)

President: Shallum Atkinson
Chief of Staff: Amber Grant
Contact: [email protected]

Phone: 202.293.1921
Fax: 202.293.1928
2028 G St., Suite 023, Law Learning Center

All students of the Law School are members of the SBA, the Law School’s student government. Through its elected officers and representatives, the SBA acts as an advocate of the student body, oversees the funding of student organizations, and sponsors a number of social, professional, and community service programs and events. Students take an active role in the academic and institutional development of the School through the SBA’s participation on the faculty–student committees dealing with faculty tenure and appointments, curriculum development, student recruitment, any incidents of discrimination and harassment, and public interest involvement. All students are encouraged to participate in SBA elections and to take advantage of the programs and activities that the SBA sponsors throughout the year, including the First-Year Mentoring Program; the Halloween Party; the Barrister’s Ball; weekly “Bar Reviews”; annual blood, food, and clothing drives; used book sales; as well as several community service projects and activities involving the American Bar Association Law Student Division.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Presidents: Natalie Real and Madison Simons
Contact: [email protected]

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a national nonprofit organization that works to preserve civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights through legal action, legislative advocacy, and community education. The ACLU–GW Law chapter seeks to promote awareness of issues of concern to the ACLU, including free speech, racial justice, religious freedom, reproductive rights, and equality for underrepresented populations. Members of the ACLU–GW Law work closely with the ACLU of the National Capital Area and have the opportunity to participate in the local chapter’s fundraising and grassroots efforts as well as its student leadership initiative. The ACLU–GW Law works collaboratively with other organizations to host on-campus events, such as movie screenings and presentations by prominent guest speakers.

American Constitution Society (ACS)

President: Prescott Robinson
Contact: [email protected]

The American Constitution Society is a group of law students, faculty, practicing attorneys, and others who seek to restore the fundamental principles of respect for human dignity, protection of individual rights and liberties, equality, and access to justice in American law. To this end, the Society’s goal is to ensure that liberal views are given full consideration in debate, discussion, and decision making related to the creation and interpretation of law in the United States. By harnessing the values of compassion and respect for each individual, and working to reestablish these values in American law and politics, the Society aims to build a stronger and more equitable national community.

Anti-Corruption & Compliance Association (ACCA)

President: Michelle Komisarchik
Contact: [email protected]

GW's Anti-Corruption and Compliance Association (ACCA) organizes panel discussions, workshops, and conferences to educate GW Law students and the greater community about the growing legal field of anti-corruption and compliance practice. ACCA provides a forum for students, practitioners, and faculty to explore issues surrounding public integrity, anti-bribery, transparency, regulatory compliance, white collar crime, and more. ACCA is committed to improving GW Law students’ career options by providing unmatched networking opportunities enhanced by our location in the Washington, DC area.

Antitrust Law Association (ALA)

Presidents: Jack Detiveaux and Sophie Pollack
Contact: [email protected]

The Antitrust Law Association (ALA) brings together students with an interest in Antitrust/Competition law and connects them to practitioners in the field. With the help of GW Law faculty that specialize in Antitrust law and a committed executive board, the ALA will hold activities including: career panels, networking events, Antitrust case visits, and panels on current Antitrust events. ALA programs aim to foster an interest of Antitrust law to all students. We will host panels discussing recent and pending cases that impact consumers, and the field of Antitrust law as a whole.

Armenian Law Student Association (ALSA)

Presidents: Azniv Nalbandian and Shushanik Gabrielyan
Contact: [email protected]

The Armenian Law Students Association (ALSA) provides a forum for students to explore legal, social, political, and cultural issues relevant to the Armenian nation. It is a safe space for students of Armenian descent and all those interested in discussing and engaging in Armenian culture. Our mission is to provide our members with invaluable networking opportunities; to host social events; to collaborate with fellow affinity organizations; to introduce the GW community to the Armenian heritage; to maintain strong communal ties and alumni relations; and to encourage Armenian-American interested in a legal education to apply to GW Law.

Art Law and Entertainment Society (ALES)

President: Jiaying Jessie Zhang
Contact: [email protected]

The Art Law and Entertainment Society (ALES) promotes awareness of the field of art, cultural heritage, cultural property law and careers, improves students' knowledge of this field and current issues, and maintains contacts with students who may desire to explore art, cultural heritage and cultural property law. This objective shall be met by bringing speakers from private practice, museums, government, and academia onto campus, networking among students and other organization, establishing a professional mentoring program, and maintaining a list of contacts in the art, cultural heritage and cultural property law field by Art Law and Entertainment Society members and alumni.

Asian/Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA)

President: Madeline Ochi
Contact: [email protected]

The Asian/Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) is a national organization for Asian/Pacific American and other interested law students. Its goals are to provide academic and social support for incoming as well as continuing students, to assist members in job searches, and to increase Asian/Pacific American enrollment and participation at the Law School. APALSA holds various workshops throughout the semester to help students better orient themselves to the Law School and has instituted a “buddy system,” whereby second- and third-year students act as mentors to first-year students. APALSA fosters a sense of community among Asian/Pacific American students by hosting various social events within the Law School itself or with other APALSA chapters in the region and participating in the annual national APALSA convention.

Banking and Securities Law Society (BASLS)

Contact: [email protected]

The Banking and Securities Law Society exposes its members to banking and securities law through a variety of networking events and career panels. BaSL uses these events to provide members educational and networking opportunities with practitioners and other students that share an interest in banking and securities law. 

Black Law Students Association (BLSA)

President: Jasmine Williams
General Inquiries: [email protected]
Employment Opportunities: [email protected]

The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at the George Washington University Law School is a service organization aimed at promoting academic excellence, professional development, community service, and social unity among our members. GW BLSA is an official chapter of the National Black Law Students Association. We have been at GW Law for several decades, making positive and influential contributions to the law school and Washington, D.C. communities. Also, in an effort to promote and support a diverse student body at GW Law, BLSA members participate in the recruitment of minority students and provide information to the law school community about the contributions of African-Americans to the field of law. GW BLSA is a very active organization, hosting dozens of academic, professional, service, advocacy, and social events throughout the school year. We invite all GW Law students to join BLSA and participate with us! 

BLSA Website

Christian Legal Society (CLS)

President: Noah Curtin
Contact: [email protected]

The GW chapter of the Christian Legal Society (CLS) is an organization dedicated to fostering Christian fellowship for students at GW Law and demonstrating Christian values to the student body at large. CLS seeks to provide opportunities for students to serve the local community, network with legal professionals, and engage others on campus by hosting speakers and panel discussions.

Consumer Law Association (Consumer Law)

Presidents: Brent Gangwish and Nicholas Baughman
Contact: [email protected]

The Consumer Law Association aims to provide students interested in consumer protection, regulation, and transaction law with opportunities to engage with the field, explore different employment paths, network with alumni and other professionals, and broaden their understanding of Consumer Law.

Corporate and Business Law Society (CBLS)

President: Eric Gonzalez
Contact: [email protected]

The Corporate and Business Law Society encourages the exploration of contemporary issues in corporate and business law. Through a variety of student and alumni events and programs, CBLS aims to educate it members, raise awareness of opportunities available in the field, and facilitate the development of professional contacts.

Criminal Law Society (CRLS)

President: Justin Weiss
Contact: [email protected]

The Criminal Law Society (“CRLS”) is established to promote awareness of the criminal legal system by providing social, educational, and professional opportunities. CRLS commits to educating its members on methods to combat the racial injustices that pervade the criminal legal system and dictate outcomes at every juncture. CRLS is dedicated to fighting racial injustices and inequities both internally and at-large. CRLS is non-partisan and encourages the participation of all members of the GW Law community.

Disability Law Society

President: Mary Zenger
Contact: [email protected]

The Disability Law Society seeks to provide a safe space at GW for any law student with a disability and/or law student interested in disability law. The DLS acts as an intermediary between students with disabilities and faculty or administrators to ensure the needs and rights of such students are respected. In addition, the DLS hosts and promotes events to encourage disability law focused networking and opportunities to hear from and speak with legal professionals who either have a disability and/or specialize in disability law. Furthermore, the DLS promotes celebration and acceptance of disabilities within the law school and throughout the legal field.

Entertainment and Sports Law Association (ESPLA)

President: Jada Romulus
Contact: [email protected]

ESPLA provides students interested in entertainment and sports law with a forum for expanding their knowledge in the field. The organization sponsors workshops, lectures, and panel discussions featuring prominent figures in the entertainment and sports industries. These programs focus on the basics of entertainment and sports law such as copyrights, trademarks, contract negotiations, athlete and artist representation, licensing, and endorsements. ESPLA provides information regarding career opportunities, assists with research and networking, and informs students about conferences, forums, and competitions.

Environmental & Energy Law Association (EELA)

President: Caroline Bronstein
Contact: [email protected]

Events hosted by GW's Environmental and Energy Law Association (EELA) introduce students to the wide variety of EEL-related transactional, regulatory, and litigation career paths within the private and public sector. GW has been a leader in environmental and energy law since 1970, due in part to a significant monetary grant from the Ford Foundation. EELA's yearly career panels host attorneys from top law firms, non-profits, government agencies, and administrative law chambers. EELA also moderates panels discussing current events, fostering academic debate and dialogue between GW Law Professors, Deans, and local members of the American Bar Association's Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER). EELA's annual "Meet the Professors Night" in the fall and "Sustainability Week" in the spring teach students about EEL-related programs at GW Law and help students choose courses for the coming year. To stay updated on professional development, educational, and social events, current and incoming students should email [email protected] and ask to be added to EELA's biweekly newsletter.

Equal Justice Foundation (EJF)

Presidents: Stephanie Sauer and Delaney Gatine
Contact: [email protected]

As member of Equal Justice Works, the Equal Justice Foundation (EJF) is committed to promoting public interest law and community service. Each year, EJF organizes an auction to support students working over the summer in public interest legal positions and a 5K race to raise money for GW’s Loan Repayment Program. EJF also helps organize community service activities and encourages interest in access to justice issues. EJF is a vital organization for those committed to helping others, strengthening our communities, and making a positive impact upon society. Participation from all students is welcome.

Evening Law Student Association (ELSA)

Contact: [email protected]

ELSA serves as a forum for any student who is interested in promoting the academic, professional and social advancement of the evening law student community at GW Law. The organization is especially focused on ensuring that the administration understands and is reminded of the special circumstances of evening students and the value-added that they bring to the community.

ELSA’s Executive Board includes the evening student representatives of the SBA Senate, which makes it a great sounding board for the issues, concerns, and suggestions of evening students who are primarily on campus on weeknights, hold full-time jobs, and have families, spouses, and community responsibilities. ELSA’s aim is to enhance the evening student experience at GW Law and to give these students an opportunity to participate more fully in campus activities.

Visit the ELSA on Facebook

Fashion Law Society (FLS)

President: Vanessa Bittar and Kathryn Chavez
Contact:   [email protected]

The Fashion Law Society brings students together who are interested in the legal and business crossroads of the fashion and beauty industry. The society aims to expand student resources by bringing in guest speakers, hosting networking events, and providing industry resources. The Fashion Law Society will connect DC to major fashion markets through partnerships with local fashion professionals and museums.

FinTech Law Society (FTLS)

President:   Anwar Mojumder
Contact:   [email protected]

 The mission of the FinTech Society shall be to introduce students with FinTech innovations and industry, transformation of financial services industry, and career prospects for law students as well as serve as a venue for intensive discussion on the development of FinTech and regulatory challenges.

The Federalist Society

President: Kyle Atwood
Contact: [email protected]

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of government powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities. This entails reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law. It also requires restoring the recognition of the importance of these norms among lawyers, judges, and law professors. In working to achieve these goals, the Society has created a conservative intellectual network that extends to all levels of the legal community.

Government Contracts Students Association (GCSA)

President: Ethan Syster
Contact: [email protected]

The Government Contracts Student Association is an organization that aims to encourage student interest in and engagement with the field of Government Procurement. In addition to promoting events and training, the GCSA seeks to connect students with practitioners in this unique field in which several legal disciplines intersect. Members will have opportunities to learn more about this field from guest speakers and to network with local attorneys.

GW Defenders

President: Kendall Parker
Contact: [email protected]

The goal of GW Defenders is to provide a forum for those interested in indigent defense to come together and provide support for one another. The club intends to be a space specifically for those interested in indigent defense work and criminal justice reform. The club also has the goal of being an educational resource to any law student that is interested or thinks that they may be interested in providing indigent defense after law school. Our purpose is to foster a sense of community among those on similar career paths and provide opportunities to network and gain more knowledge into this specific area of law.

GW For The People

President: Margaret "Maggie" Brooks
Contact: [email protected]

GW For The People aims to connect, inform, and empower potential future prosecutors. The organization also seeks to raise awareness for critical issues potential prosecutors and those in fields with prosecution-related intersections will face in practice, such as, but not limited to, trauma-informed victims’ advocacy, mass incarceration, gender and racial inequity, privacy, the Sherman Act, organized crime, and others. Because the scope of prosecution is as varied as the breadth of crime and its underpinning social roots, GW For The People aims to equip each member with resources, knowledge of, and exposure to the variety of issues they might face representing either local or federal interests, with opportunities to gain connections in specialized interest areas. This organization seeks to help form well-rounded prosecutors and attorneys in related practice areas who are informed on key issues, trauma, and the role of both local and federal prosecutors, while also helping to provide them with the tools to succeed.

GW Lawmakers (GWL)

President:  Jaden Cloobeck

 GWL’s purpose is to learn about how law is written, deliberated and enforced. GWL embraces viewpoint-diverse, constructive dialogue as a core principle of its community. GWL events will feature speakers from different levels of government and from multiple viewpoints to provide substantive, nuanced analysis on legislation, regulation and government administration.

GW Law itrek

President: Cherissa Lindsay
Contact: [email protected]

itrek introduces tomorrow’s leaders in business, law, policy, and STEM to Israel, helping them experience the country firsthand through peer-led, week-long treks. itrek’s unique peer-led model empowers students at the world’s top graduate programs to craft and lead an authentic experience for their classmates that reflects the diverse interests of the program’s participants and fields of study. Whether it’s meeting with members of Knesset, Supreme Court justices, or technology companies, every itrek brings Israel to life through a combination of education, culture, and fun. GW Law itrek’s purpose is to facilitate annual trips for the George Washington Law School students to Israel to foster a relationship between the students and the Israeli academic, legal, cultural, and professional communities.

GW Law Running Club (GW Law Running)

President: Elizabeth Hawley
Contact: [email protected]

The GW Law Running Club hosts weekly group runs around the Washington, DC area. Run times and other group announcements are posted on the GW Law Running Club’s Facebook page. GW Law Running Club welcomes runners of all speeds, experiences, and skill levels. Whether you are a first-time runner or a seasoned marathoner, we encourage all GW Law students to join us for our weekly runs.

Facebook Page

GW Law Soccer

Presidents:   Charlie Schmidt, Brenden Davidson, James Sabia, Rachel Macnow, Evan Barber, and Kendall Archer
Contact: [email protected]

GW Law Soccer serves the GW Law school community by providing a variety of soccer related activities for students interested in playing.  We hope to ensure that all skill and commitment levels feel comfortable participating.  Currently, we have a weekly informal scrimmage.  Additionally, we participate in both GW intramural leagues and the DC community leagues at slightly more competitive levels. In 2019, the team won the DC league and competed against the top team from Baltimore on Audi field. 

We aspire to field a tournament against other law schools in coming years.  

GW Law Softball Club (GW Law Softball)

Contact: [email protected]

GW Law Softball Club holds informal practices every weekend. We also host fundamentals sessions for players who are new or want to brush up on their skills. We welcome players of all ability and experience.

The GW Law Softball Club participates in two tournaments each year. GW Law hosts a tournament in the fall semester for local law schools that takes place on the National Mall. The team also attends the annual UVA Law Softball Tournament, which takes place in Charlottesville, Virginia, typically on the first weekend of April, and benefits the Children, Youth and Family Services of Charlottesville. GW sends three or four teams to the two-day, double elimination tournament each year, to compete against more than 100 other teams from law schools around the country. The group sends competitive and recreational teams, so players of all skill levels and experience are encouraged to come out and play. In addition, the Softball Club holds fundraisers in the fall and spring semesters to help cover registration, equipment, uniform, and accommodations costs. In past years, fund-raising efforts combined with school funding have resulted in a virtually free weekend of fun for all participants.

GW Law Squash

President: Shloke Nair and Nicole Ferzoco
Contact: [email protected]

The GW Law Squash Club aims to provide a supportive community for law students who play squash at any level. By building a community of students with a common sporting interest, the Club will give students an outlet to engage in stress relief and exercise, as well as meet other students in a social, relaxed, and friendly setting. The Club also plans to create a system whereby players can be matched with others at a corresponding level to facilitate and maximize interaction.

Human Rights Law Society (HRLS)

President: Lauren Lancaster
Contact: [email protected]

The goals of GW's Human Rights Law Society are to promote human rights advocacy, raise awareness of national and international human rights issues, and support students interested in human rights work. HRLS works closely with GW's International Human Rights Clinic and the Amnesty International Legal Support Network, which includes law students, lawyers, and judges. HRLS also sponsors a number of events throughout the year, including panel discussions, networking opportunities, fundraisers, and its annual Human Rights Conference.

If/When/How (Law Students for Reproductive Justice)

President: Brooke Miller
Contact: [email protected]

If/When/How (GW Law Students for Reproductive Justice) is committed to educating, organizing, and supporting pro-choice law students to ensure that a new generation of lawyers will be prepared to successfully defend and expand reproductive rights. Law Students for Reproductive Justice is a student-driven national organization committed to increasing education and professional training in reproductive rights law.

If/When/How Website

Immigration Law Association (ILA)

President: Summer Scovil
Contact: [email protected]

Founded in the Spring Semester of 2009, the Immigration Law Association (ILA) strives to:

Promote awareness of immigration law and careers therein, Improve The George Washington University Law School's community's knowledge of immigration law and current immigration issues, and maintain contacts with students who may desire to explore immigration law. This objective shall be met by bringing speakers onto campus, administering educational events, and networking among students and other organizations.

Promote immigration pro bono work and advocacy opportunities for students. This objective shall be met by organizing events with local public interest organizations and promoting them to the student population.'

International Arbitration Student Association (IASA)

President: Anisa Ostad
Contact: [email protected]

The International Arbitration Students Association aims to provide a platform for students interested in careers in International Arbitration to exchange views, undertake networking activities and enhance their knowledge of the current issues in International Arbitration.

International Law Society (ILS)

President: Devin Woodson
Contact: [email protected]

ILS is one of the largest and most active student organizations at the law school. Throughout the year, ILS presents guest speakers, sponsors social functions, and promotes career development activities such as lunches with practitioners. Each year ILS hosts International Law Week, offering professional and social activities, including visits to the State Department and D.C. law firms for discussions with partners and associates in international practices, a career fair of international public agencies, several speakers and panel discussions, and concluding with an embassy reception. In past years, panels have addressed topics such as international arbitration, trade, human rights, and international business law.

The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) GW Law Chapter

President: Jeremy Reiner
Contact: [email protected]

IRAP is a global legal aid and advocacy organization working to create a world where refugees and all people seeking safety are empowered to claim their right to freedom of movement and a path to lasting refuge. Since its founding in 2008, IRAP has helped resettle over 4200 refugees and their families to 18 different countries and has trained over 4000 law students and lawyers in the process. GW Law is one of IRAP’s 26 student chapters across the United States and Canada.

J. Reuben Clark Law Society (J. Reuben)

Contact: [email protected]

The J. Reuben Clark Law Society is an international law society composed of LDS attorneys, law students, and others who seek to affirm the strength brought to law by a lawyer's personal religious convictions. Members strive through public service and professional excellence to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law.

Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA)

Presidents: Avielle Krug and Lexi Murman
Contact: [email protected]

JLSA brings Jewish law students together both socially and intellectually. JLSA sponsors a number of social events in conjunction with other area law schools, including Georgetown and American Universities, and arranges for speakers to visit the Law School to discuss Jewish–American legal concerns on current political issues. JLSA also provides information regarding the celebration of Jewish holidays in DC and Jewish events around town. JLSA works with the GW Hillel, which shares many resources, activities, and programming ideas. The Hillel is also the location of the nearest kosher restaurant and functions as a food co-op for kosher meat and other products. JLSA is a member of the National Law Students Network, which links Jewish law students throughout the nation and promotes Jewish awareness and education.

Labor & Employment Law Society (LELS)

President: Nick Shiach
Contact: [email protected]

The Labor and Employment Law Society brings together students, professors and professionals in the Labor and Employment Law field.  We are a non-partisan group and welcome the viewpoints of professionals representing management, labor/workers, and neutrals such as arbitrators and mediators so that our members get a well rounded view of issues in this field. LELS hosts networking events among the students and professionals during the year and hosts the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law Panel Luncheon in the Spring. LELS welcomes all collaboration with other organizations on the law school campus that support the deepening of student knowledge and awareness of labor and employment issues. 

Lambda Law (Lambda)

Presidents: Damian Dorrance-Steiner and Patrick Schaller
Contact: [email protected]

Lambda Law is an organization of students interested in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) legal issues, employment concerns, and the fostering of tolerance and awareness on campus. The organization provides a network for professional and social interaction between LGBTQ+ and ally students, faculty, and legal professionals, and for the education of the Law School community about issues facing LGBTQ+ individuals. Since its foundation in 1989, Lambda Law has become a visible and active force at the Law School. The organization was involved in adding ‘sexual orientation’ to GW’s nondiscrimination policy, developing and implementing programs with the Career Development Office regarding legal job search issues facing LGBTQ+ students, and discussing the Law School’s position toward issues concerning military recruiters on campus. Ongoing events include a mentor program with LGBTQ+ attorneys in Washington, discussions on current legal issues and developments, attendance at national legal conferences, educational activities for major advocacy events such as National Coming Out Day and Freedom to Marry Day, and social events with the Law School and other local law student groups. All students are welcome and encouraged to join Lambda Law in an effort to increase awareness and acceptance at the Law School.

Lambda Law on Facebook

Latin American Law Student Association (LALSA)

Presidents: Gabriela Soto and Paula Jimenez
Contact: [email protected]

The Latin American Law Student Association (LALSA) provides support and educational services to Hispanic and other students at the law school, while fostering an appreciation for Hispanic language and culture. LALSA also encourages its members to become involved in public interest organizations in the metropolitan area, particularly the D.C. Law Students in Court program and Ayuda. LALSA activities have included hosting speakers to discuss career and legal topics and holding meetings to provide support and assistance to first-year students with summer job searches, moot court competitions, and final examinations. LALSA sponsors several social events each year. All students are welcome to participate in LALSA, especially those who have an interest in Latin American cultures or the Spanish language.

Law Association for Women (L.A.W.)

President: Bhargavi Kalaga
Contact: [email protected]

The Law Association for Women (L.A.W.) mission is to promote greater awareness of gender inequities and other issues affecting women and femme-aligned individuals; to provide an accessible and empowering space for women, including but not limited to transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary individuals who may identify with women’s experiences; and to help those students achieve their legal aspirations by creating opportunities for professional development and community.

Law, Justice and International Development Society (LJIDS)

President: Elizabeth Duncan
Contact: [email protected]

The Law, Justice and International Development Society (LJIDS) aims at critically and creatively engage GW Law students, students-at-large and alumni on the fundamental role domestic and international law play in the multidisciplinary processes of social and economic development, as well as in achieving social justice and political stability, in developing, post-conflict and transitional states around the world. 

The organization furthers its purpose notably by disseminating relevant information, opportunities and resources ; engaging members on emerging research and practice trends through various events ; developing members’ practical skills by tasking them with punctual group projects as well as ; fostering networking and community building, both within the membership and externally. Any student curious or passionate about of law, justice and international development is encouraged to join the Society.

Law Revue

Director: Kim Moughler
Contact: [email protected]

The GW Law Revue has been a pillar of the GW Law community since 1978, bringing laughter and delight to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. GW Law Revue players use pastiche to comment on law school, their fellow students, their professors, current events, and the legal community at large. Their main event, the annual Law Revue Show, is a multi-act theatrical spectacle that combines music, dancing, and sketches for a live audience in Lisner Auditorium.

GW Law Revue players come from a variety of artistic backgrounds. Some are seasoned performers, actors, and musicians; some are experienced stagehands, writers, and lyricists; and others are stepping onto the stage for the very first time.

Law Yoga Club (Law Yoga)

Contact: [email protected]

The GW Law Yoga Club ("LYC") offers free yoga classes once or twice a month on GW campus. These classes are led by yoga-certified students and occasionally outside practitioners. Class times and dates are sent out via the student org email and posted on our club instagram @gwlawyogaclub. No experience with yoga is necessary when attending LYC events; events are meant to accommodate members at all levels of familiarity with yoga, meditation, and breath work. As such, LYC invites all GW Law community members to cultivate and preserve personal balance through the mindfulness of yoga. Let’s be well together!

Legal History Society (LHS)

President: Ryan Chapman
Contact: [email protected]

The GW Law Legal History Society offers a forum for GW Law students to celebrate, engage with, and explore various topics of legal history to better inform our understanding of the legal profession and its heritage through programming that engages historical topics in professional, social, and experiential environments.

Mental and Emotional Student Health Society (MESHS)

President:    Matt Brajuka

 The Mental and Emotional Student Health Society (MESHS) of The George Washington university Law School (GW Law) is established for the purpose of the continuous provision and facilitation of support within the GW Law community for addressing mental health and wellness concerns by creating a safe space that is cognizant of and compassionate towards the mental wellbeing of the students throughout the year and consolidates available resources available through and beyond the school for addressing mental health and wellness

Middle Eastern & North African Law Student Association (MENALSA)

President: Jasmine Masri
Contact: [email protected]

The George Washington University Middle Eastern and North African Law Society (MENA) is a student-led organization that aims to promote inclusivity, celebrate diversity, and create a supportive peer and alumni network for Middle Eastern and North African students and alumni. MENA seeks to educate and inform the GW Law community about Middle Eastern and North African cultures and current events through cultural activities, panels, excursions, and other resources and opportunities. Working in solidarity with other affinity groups and student organizations at GW Law, MENA strives to strengthen Middle Eastern and North African voices on campus and engage in the supportive and collaborative community within GW Law. Students and alumni are invited to enjoy the social companionship of shared experiences and the rich Middle Eastern and North African culture in the DC area. Join us for food excursions, networking events, and cultural celebrations from various countries and ethnic groups. All are welcome!

Military Law Society (MLS)

President: Grady Stevens
Contact: [email protected]

The George Washington University Law School's Military Law Society (GW MLS) is dedicated to promoting knowledge and awareness of military law issues affecting students, legal professionals, and members of America's armed forces.

The society promotes scholarly discussion of military law, veterans’ law, national security law and related law topics, and builds professional ties between interested students, the law school, and the Washington, D.C. community. The organization is also committed to professional development and provides its membership and all law students opportunities to pursue internships and careers in the relevant areas of law.

Additionally, the society serves as an advocate organization for law student veterans, providing numerous resources academically, professionally and legally to our nation’s heroes. We are also dedicated to pro bono work and general community service, and have participated in many military affiliated community service opportunities, and provide assistance with various pro bono projects that provide legal services for our servicemembers and veterans.



 Music Law Association (  MuLAn)

President:   Arjumand Syed
Contact:   [email protected]


Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA)

Contact: [email protected]

The Muslim Law Students Association provides a religious, social, and career network for Muslim law students both within the Law School and in the larger Muslim legal community. MLSA is dedicated to enriching the intellectual diversity of the Law School by hosting events related to Islamic law and other issues affecting Muslims both domestically and internationally. MLSA works in conjunction with a broad-based coalition of student organizations on campus and in the Washington, DC area.

National Security Law Association (NSLA)

President: Kendall Stanley
Contact: [email protected]

The National Security Law Association (NSLA) was created to help educate GW Law's future lawyers about issues related to national security and to provide a forum for discussion of such issues among students, practitioners, and faculty. NSLA sponsors panel discussions, keynote speakers, and career networking events. In addition, NSLA provides members with the opportunity each semester to attend a dinner with a practitioner of national security law. In the past year, NSLA has held panels on the International Criminal Court, the legal ramifications of the U.S. government employing private security contractors, and intelligence surveillance.

Native American Law Student Association (NALSA)

President: Morgan Gray
Contact:   [email protected]

Nota Bene

Contact: [email protected]

The Nota Bene is the student-run newspaper of the law school that provides students and faculty with news about and of interest to the school and allows members of the law school community to voice their opinions and engage in dialogue through commentaries and editorials. All are welcome to make contributions for publication.

Parents in Law

President: Elly Mejia Castro
Contact: [email protected]

Parents In Law (P.I.L.) creates a space for parents to vent, socialize, and explore family legal issues as we face the incredible challenge of child-rearing while in law school. Statement of Purpose Parents in Law was founded to address the dearth of resources available to law students at GW Law. The organization will spearhead efforts to make GW Law a more family-supportive community by listening to student-parent concerns and addressing these concerns through organized advocacy. In addition to providing an advocacy platform, the organization will offer parent-students a place to network with other parents through family-friendly activities and host family law panels with experts in the field. Beyond graduation, Parents in Law hopes to remain connected with alumni to create a broad network of professional parents in the legal field.

Phi Alpha Delta - Jay Chapter (Phi Alpha Delta)

President: Jared Ahmed
Contact: [email protected]

Phi Alpha Delta (PAD), a coeducational service fraternity, was founded in 1902 in order to promote professional competency and achievement within the legal profession. PAD is the world's largest law fraternity with more than 200 pre-law chapters, 183 law school chapters, and 95 alumni chapters in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. The fraternity has initiated more than 200,000 members into chapters at accredited schools. It was the first law fraternity to admit women. Benefits to student members include the availability of PAD student loans, participation in social programs, and establishment of alumni contacts. PAD offers students leadership development opportunities and practical legal education through its service to both students and the community.

PAD website

Plaintiffs' Law Association (PLA)

President:  Elan Reisner
Contact:  [email protected]

 The Plaintiffs Law Association (PLA) is to create a community interested in plaintiff litigation and to present more exposure to law students about plaintiff career paths. The PLA network includes law students and alumni working to encourage and support students who aspire to become plaintiff-side attorneys. The PLA connects students with attorneys who “represent victims of misconduct or negligence, advocate for justice, and hold powerful interests accountable for their actions.”


Real Estate Law Association (RELA)

President: Genna Fukuda and Jake Bernstein
Contact: [email protected]

The Real Estate Law Association (“RELA”) serves to expose law students to the field of real estate and real property. Members of RELA have various opportunities to learn about the crossroads between law and the real estate industry, including, but not limited to: alumni events, career panels, networking events, and panels on current real estate events. RELA will not only establish ties to practitioners and the community, but also maintain those connections by keeping a list of contacts to be referred to by succeeding members. From an educational standpoint, RELA will involve discussions of the basics of real estate and real property practice including, but not limited to: acquisition, development, leasing, and sale of properties, real estate finance, land use, zoning, and tenant rights.

The Settlement Agreements of Catan Club (SAC)

Contact: [email protected]

The Settlement Agreements of Catan (SAC) is the student organization at the George Washington Law School for those interested in games and gaming. The organization holds itself out to the student body as a forum where, regardless of whether a student is interested in board games, card games, role-playing games, simple party games, or complex strategy games, they can find colleagues interested in the same games and play. SAC also hosts regular social events where students can meet each other and hang out over new games. Additionally, SAC is beginning the process of building a communal games library from which members of the organization may borrow games.  

South Asian Law Student Association (SALSA)

President: Priyanka Mara and Rebecca Punnoose
Contact: [email protected]

The South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) provides a social, academic, and career network for law students of South Asian heritage and encourages members to develop an understanding of how the law can be used as a vehicle for social transformation. To help its members establish invaluable social and career connections, SALSA sponsors a number of projects and events at the Law School, including cultural celebrations and a mentoring program for first-year students.

If you have any questions about our organization, wish to join our listserv, or would like to inform our executive board about an upcoming event or opportunity, please email [email protected].

Space Law Society (SLS)

President: Jessica Shelnutt
Contact: [email protected]

The GW Space Law Society (SLS) promotes the discussion, development, and practice of law as it affects the pursuit of space exploration. SLS seeks to engage students in ongoing conversation with practicing attorneys and policy makers on both modern and historical issues of Space Law, as it affects both domestic space exploration efforts and international cooperation in outer-space activities. SLS encourages students to develop new ideas for sustainable legal solutions in novel and expanding areas of Space Law. And SLS works to connect students with opportunities to practice Space Law in the professional field. SLS will raise awareness among the student body for this exciting and growing body of law, and will lead the way through the 21st Century.

Street Law

Contact: [email protected]

Law is a volunteer organization that endeavors to teach basic civics and legal lessons to students in the Washington, DC area. Our goal is to impart practical knowledge that students can relate to and use in their everyday lives. Volunteers can choose their own level of involvement in Street Law, from weekly teaching placements to single day events. Additionally, volunteers can choose to serve on our Education Committee, which develops our lesson plans - no teaching experience is required.

Examples of our programs include curriculum for 7th grade students that revolve around criminal law and 8th grade curriculum focused on constitutional law. In each context, students learned about their basic rights, where they came from, and how to exercise them in their everyday lives. When teaching high school students, possible lessons might include topics on credit cards and residential leases, as these students can truly benefit from such practical knowledge.

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)

President: Mishael Hibshoosh
Contact: [email protected]

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy, and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system. SALDF also seeks to raise the profile of the field of animal law. SALDF is involved in a variety of activities promoting animal law. SALDF each semester hosts several speaker events, the Washington Humane Society’s Mobile Adoption Center and a pet photo contest. SALDF also participates in local animal charity events such as the Poplar Spring 5k Run for the Animals and the HSUS Walk for animals and National Meatout Day. SALDF assists in the administration of the Animal Welfare Legal Reform Project, an independent pro bono project through which law students participate in activities helping to reform and improve enforcement of animal welfare laws in the District of Columbia. 

SALDF on Facebook

Student Health Law Association (SHLA)

President: Kaitlyn Danlinhton
Contact: [email protected]

The Student Health Law Association (SHLA) was established to increase student interest in the growing field of health law, based on the premise that as health care grows, so too does the demand for excellent health lawyers. The SHLA informs students about local seminars on health law and sponsors programs that introduce students to attorneys practicing in diverse areas of this field.

Student Intellectual Property Law Association (SIPLA)

President: Monica Lee
Contact: [email protected]
Subscribe to the SIPLA Listserv: Member Registration Form

As the largest student organization on campus with over 700 members, SIPLA is committed to exposing GW Law students to the unique aspects of the intellectual property law profession. SIPLA draws upon leaders in the field not only to explore the traditional intellectual property law disciplines of patent, trademark, and copyright law, but also unfair trade practices, antitrust, computer law, technology licensing, sports law, entertainment law, and communications law. SIPLA also houses the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Brief (IPEL)—a forum for SIPLA members interested in copyright, trademark, entertainment, and media law to write blog posts on current trends and developing issues to be published on the IPEL website.

Throughout the year, SIPLA works with the IP department and career center to host lectures from experts in the field. Lecturers sponsored by SIPLA have included the president of the American Intellectual Property Law Association, the former commissioner of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and intellectual property practitioners and academics from around the country. SIPLA is committed to enhancing GW Law students’ career options by providing unmatched networking opportunities and a chance to interact with hundreds of intellectual property law alumni from around the country.

Tax Law Society (TLS)

President:   Rachel Pritzlaff
Contact: [email protected]

The Tax Law Society is established to promote awareness among students and alumni of the opportunities provided by the study and practice of tax law. Through a variety of student and alumni events and programs, TLS ultimately aims to educate it members, raise awareness of opportunities available in the field, and facilitate the development of professional contacts. 

TLS also acts as a student resource on tax law courses and professors at the Law School. Our organization is open to law students of all levels. 

Tech Law Students Association (Tech Law)

President: Grant Beanblossom
Contact: [email protected]

The Tech Law Students Association is a group committed to cutting-edge legal issues related to the internet or computers. These issues include intellectual property, internet privacy, computer crime, and many other subjects.  The Tech Law Students Association's focus is to provide an avenue for discourse that allows students to learn and critically think about these issues, and to prepare for eventual careers in these areas. This is most typically accomplished by bringing in speakers on key issues and holding cyberlaw-related events.

Uyghur Human Rights Initiative (UHRI)

President: Hannah Ellis
Contact: [email protected]

The mission of the Uyghur Human Rights Initiative (UHRI) is to end human rights abuses against Uyghurs and support those suffering from such abuses. UHRI advances this mission by widening the understanding of available legal tools, helping individuals use those tools, and promoting the addition of more legal resources. UHRI hopes to serve as a platform for those silenced by fear or by force in their homeland and around the world.

Veteran Law Students Association (VLSA)

President: Kendall Stanley
Contact: [email protected]

The George Washington University Law School's Veteran Law Students Association (VLSA) is dedicated to providing a community for current and former members of America's armed forces as well as their spouses, dependents, all those close to them, as well as those interested in issues which affect Veterans.

The Womxn of Color Collective (WoCC)

Presidents: Noor Moughni and Taylor Moises
Contact: [email protected]

The Womxn of Color Collective (WoCC) is dedicated to cultivating a safe space, which centers, uplifts and promotes the experiences of women and non-binary people of color at The George Washington University Law School. The Womxn of Color Collective serves to enrich the legal educational experience of women and non-binary people of color by fostering a close-knit community of people dedicated to the advancement of racial and gender justice within the legal field and beyond. WoCC serves to empower and inspire women and non-binary people of color to realize their professional and personal aspirations, by providing space for collective healing, cultural humility and solidarity. Centering the perspectives of women and non-binary people of color, WoCC seeks to facilitate dialogue that confronts racial and gender inequities in the historically white and patriarchal institution of law and to further explore the intersections of gender, race and the law.

Student Briefs

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Brief

CR&CL provides the only publishing opportunity at GW Law devoted exclusively to civil rights and civil liberties. Students, faculty, and practitioners have the opportunity to identify pressing issues within this area of the law and publish short pieces.

Criminal Law Brief

Since its inception in 2019, the CLB has provided a means for students to develop and improve their legal research and writing skills and gain exposure to nuanced topics within the criminal legal system.

Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law Brief

IPEL was started in the year 2015 as a way for law students at GW Law to explore intellectual property and entertainment law topics and share their posts with students, staff, faculty, practitioners, and the community.

International Law & Policy Brief

This brief that was started as a way for law students at GW Law to explore current and policy-oriented topics in international and comparative law, U.S. foreign policy, and national security, and share their posts with students, staff, faculty, practitioners, and the community.

Latinx Law Brief

The Latinx Law Brief (“Brief") provides a forum for the scholarly discussion of legal issues affecting Latinx communities in the United States and around the world.