Privacy and Technology Courses

GW Law offers many courses in privacy and technology law, including courses on AI, cybersecurity, and blockchain. Below is a list of many of our relevant course offerings:

Privacy and Data Protection

  • Consumer Protection Law (6286)
  • Information Privacy Law (6486)
  • Selected Topics in Technology Law (6613)
  • Global Privacy Law and Conflict Seminar (6895)
  • Consumer Privacy and Data Protection: Regulatory Approaches (6896)

Data Security

  • Cybersecurity Law and Policy (6879)
  • Technology Foundations for Cybersecurity (6884)
  • Cybersecurity Law and Technology (6890)
  • Selected Topics in Cybersecurity Law (6892)
  • Cybersecurity Law Crisis Challenge: Protecting Critical Infrastructure, Risk Management, and Incident Response (6898)

Artificial Intelligence

  • Selected Topics in Technology Law: Law in the Algorithmic Society (6613)
  • Technology Law Seminar: Regulating AI Bias and Discrimination (6619)
  • Artificial Intelligence Law and Policy (6881)

Cyberspace Law

  • Constitutional Law Seminar: Cyber, Privacy, and Speech (6399)
  • Law in Cyberspace (6485)
  • Internet Law (6493)

Computer Crime

  • Computer Crime (6369)

Health and Genetics Technologies

  • Health Law Seminar: Assisted Reproductive Technologies (6411)
  • Genetics and the Law (6616)

Other Topics

  • Telecommunications Law (6414)
  • Computer Law (6484)
  • Technology Law Seminar: Regulating AI Bias and Discrimination (6619)
  • Foreign Access to US Technology (6891)
  • Blockchain: Law, Policy, and Cybersecurity (6894)

Course Descriptions

JD Concentration in Privacy, Data Security, and Technology Law

JD candidates may earn a JD Concentration in Privacy, Data Security, and Technology Law by successfully completing (i.e., receiving a grade of C- or better) 12 credits of coursework in Privacy, Data Security, and Technology Law.

View concentration information on the Bulletin website.

Declaring Your Concentration 

For JDs who would like to formally declare an Intellectual Property (IP) Law concentration, please visit the GW Law Forms webpage and fill out the JD Concentration Declare/Withdraw Form for the Records Office.