The Initiative & the Curriculum
Energy law has been part of the GW curriculum for over 70 years. Although the Initiative interacts with many organizations external to GW, it remains rooted in the GW community where it is able to draw on the rich resources of GW and provide opportunities for students and faculty to participate in and profit from the Initiative’s work with others from outside of the GW community.
The subject matter of the Initiative’s research agenda intersects with, and enriches, the law school’s curriculum. Students are expected to contribute to the Initiative’s work, particularly in the areas of research and publication, and to interact directly with stakeholders, through coursework, internships and externships, to work toward solutions to real-world issues. The Initiative frequently collaborates with other schools within the University on energy issues and it is part of GW’s community of interest on sustainability. The Initiative supports and enhances the curriculum in several ways, including:
Attracting increased funding to support projects that enhance the law school experience and career opportunities for our students
Increasing the opportunities for GW Law students to interact with practitioners by participating in Initiative activities
Opening new channels for “real-world” projects, internships and externships to be integrated into the curriculum
Providing access to the Initiative’s staff and Advisory Council for career guidance
Enhancing the profile of GW’s Law’s energy curriculum, thereby attracting additional highly-qualified students and supporting additional course offerings
Providing our alumni and the energy community generally with new opportunities for continuing legal education, networking, and career development
Students interested in Energy Law are encouraged to select energy-specific electives as well as from Environmental Law electives. However, energy law is relevant in many types of practices, including transactional, regulatory, dispute resolution, and/or international law practices. Therefore, depending on the student’s interest, a student considering a career in energy law is strongly encouraged to take courses in diverse other areas, which may include Administrative Law, Evidence, Corporations, Secured Transactions, International Law, or International Business Transactions as well as skills courses. Students may also find courses such as Homeland Security Law and Policy, Government Contracts, Intellectual Property, and Bankruptcy relevant and useful in their future careers in energy law.