DegreeMAP for JD Students
Understanding DegreeMAP
The Legend
The degree worksheet has a legend including a number of symbols to inform students about the status of a requirement. The legend that explains each symbol is located near the bottom of the worksheet.
Student Information
The first section in DegreeMAP has a student’s GWID, name, and Degree program. It also includes their class year and status (full-time v. part-time).
GPA Information
Next, a student will see their progress towards graduation and their GPA. Please note the GPA listed is rounded to the second decimal and is not the official GPA of the Law School. A student's Official GPA is to the third decimal place and only the GPA listed on a university transcript is deemed official.
Graduation Requirements
Below is an overview of the requirements for graduation. The worksheet notes how many additional credits a student needs to meet the overall credit requirement (84) as well as the graded credit requirement (67 for non-transfer students and 48 for transfer students). DegreeMAP does not currently calculate Enrollment Units (EUs) but students enrolled full-time for six semesters and evening students who earn 84 credits will automatically fulfill this requirement. The Records Office calculated the EUs earned as of the Fall 2021 semester for students identified as potential Spring 2022 graduates. The EU calculation for those students is reflected in the "notes" section at the bottom of the worksheet.
Program Requirements
This section provides a student’s status with respect to the required curriculum.
Upper-Level Writing Requirements
Students who take a 2-credit independent legal writing (6656) for a letter grade to fulfill the Upper-Level writing requirement will show as complete. For other students, the requirement will show as incomplete, irrespective of whether you have completed it. If you served on a journal, this will show up as “complete" upon graduation. If you completed a seminar or other research paper, the Records Office will enter this manually for you in your final semester.
Experiential Learning Requirement
DegreeMAP also notes a student’s progress toward fulfilling the six-credit Experiential (E) learning requirement. This student has completed one E credit and is currently enrolled in two additional credits. They will need to enroll in at least three E credits in the spring of 2022.
Fallthrough General Electives
“Fallthrough General Electives” are all completed elective courses that are not required courses.
Courses In-Progress
This section lists the courses in which a student is currently enrolled or for which a grade has not been entered. Please note that for students serving on a journal, all journal credits will be listed as “In-progress.”
The Records Office will sometimes add notes to DegreeMAP highlighting items that may require a student's action/attention. These notes will only be entered for graduating students.
DegreeMAP Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is my Upper-Level Writing Requirement showing as Not complete?
If you're a Journal participant, your Upper-level Writing Requirement won't show as complete until the completion of 4 semesters of Journal including satisfactory completion of LAW 6657, Scholarly Writing. The student must receive a grade of Honors (H) or Pass (P) in LAW 6657 for the work to fulfill the requirement.
If you're using a 2-credit seminar or another 2-credit course (aside from LAW 6656 Independent Legal Writing) that requires or permits a research paper, please let the Records Office know via this form which course you have taken to fulfill this requirement. The Records Office will confirm with the professor that you've in fact met the requirement and will apply it to your record.
- Why are some courses I took or am taking that are identified by the designation “Experiential” or “(E)” ending up in the "Fallthrough General Electives" section instead of under the "Experiential Learning Requirement" section?
Sometimes DegreeMAP makes "E" calculations in a way that is counterintuitive. DegreeMAP is looking at the big picture and running calculations to optimize the use of all courses, so based on many intricate calculations it may leave an "E" course out of the Experiential Learning Requirement section. Un-checking the "In-progress classes" and "Preregistered classes" check boxes and then clicking process will often re-sort completed "E" courses into the Experiential Learning Requirement Section.
- What are "Fallthrough General Electives"?
Fallthrough General Electives are courses that aren't applied to the "Program Requirements for Law" section. I.e: courses that don't fulfill the 10 required courses, the Upper-level Writing Requirement, the Experiential Learning Requirement, or Professional Responsibility and Ethics.
- What were the Special Covid-19 Exceptions for 2020 to the CR/NC Policy?
You can find the exceptions on our Academic and Conduct Policies webpage.
- What do I do if something appears amiss in my DegreeMAP worksheet?
Please email the Records Office at [email protected] being sure to describe the matter in detail.
- Why do I see two different GPAs?
The "Overall GPA" at the top of the worksheet represents a student's GPA to the second decimal. The GPA you see under "Program Requirements for Law" represents the GPA for the classes listed in that particular section.
- I am a joint degree student. Will I see all my requirements in DegreeMAP?
Joint degrees must be conferred simultaneously and only after all requirements for both degrees are met. Joint degree students should consult with the Dean of Students Office for crossover credits that will transfer to the law school transcript in the final month before graduation. It is the responsibility of each joint degree candidate to ensure that grades from the final semester or summer session are transferred to the law school for credit to qualify for graduation.