James F. Humphreys Complex Litigation Center Projects

The Center conducts studies and issues guidelines and best practices, which improve the administration of justice in complex litigation. These projects support or follow up on the bench-bar conferences.

Mass-Tort MDL Best Practices

Following its inaugural March 2021 Mass-Torts MDL annual-review conference, the Center identified issues that may be suitable for best practices. Teams of volunteer lawyers and judges have been formed to draft best practices addressing four topics, including: (1) interlocutory appeals: (2) census orders; (3) centralized information platform; and (4) ensuring dissemination of adequate information to all parties for settlement purposes.

If you have an interest in joining one of the drafting teams please contact [email protected]. View a list of volunteers on the drafting teams (PDF).

Class-Action Best Practices

The Center is identifying issues suitable for best practices, which were raised at its Second Annual Class Action Review Conference on November 11-12, 2021.

If you have an interest in joining one of the drafting teams please contact [email protected].