- JD Viewbook (View accessible PDF)
- LLM and SJD Viewbook (View accessible PDF)
- Discover GW Law (View accessible PDF)
Program Brochures
- Business and Finance Law Brochure (View accessible PDF)
- Environmental & Energy Law Brochure (View accessible PDF)
- National Security, Cybersecurity, & Foreign Relations Law Brochure (View accessible PDF)
- The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics Brochure (View accessible PDF)
Program Newsletters
- Government Procurement Law
- International and Comparative Law
- Environmental and Energy Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Clinics
- The Bulletin (Current Academic Year and Archives)
Research Centers and Initiatives
- The George Washington Law Review
- The George Washington International Law Review
- The American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal
- Federal Circuit Bar Journal
- International Law in Domestic Courts
- The Public Contract Law Journal
- The Journal of Energy and Environmental Law
- The Federal Communications Law Journal
- The Business & Finance Law Review
Faculty Publications
- A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship (View Accessible PDF)
- Introducing Dayna Bowen Matthew and 2020 Faculty Scholarship
- Scholarly Commons
GW Law School Magazine
Discover the pulse of legal academia with the GW Law Magazine. Immerse yourself in compelling narratives showcasing our esteemed faculty and the dynamic progression of our law school, offering insights that resonate with both legal enthusiasts and seasoned practitioners alike.