Faculty Book Report (2006-2017)
Revised May 4, 2017
Richard J. Pierce, Jr. Administrative Law Treatise. 5th ed. New York: Aspen Law & Business, 2010. (3 vol.)
William E. Kovacic. Evolution of US Antitrust Enforcement. Northampton, ME: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Renée Lettow Lerner, John Langbein, Bruce Smith. History of the Common Law: The Development of Anglo-American Legal Institutions. New York: Aspen Publishers, 2009.
Robert Brauneis. Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-based Works: Copyright and Its Alternatives. Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2009.
Lisa A. Fairfax. Corporate Director’s Guidebook. Chicago: Corporate Laws Committee, ABA Business Law Section, 2011.
Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry
Stephen A. Saltzburg, David A. Schleuter, et al. Military Evidentiary Foundations. 5th ed. New York: LexisNexis, 2013. (2 vol.)
Orin S. Kerr, Wayne LaFave, et al. Criminal Procedure. 4th ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 2015. (7 vol.)
Stephen A. Saltzburg and David A. Schlueter. Texas Rules of Evidence Trial Book: Objections, Offers of Proof, Rulings on the Record, and Limiting Instructions. 3d ed. Huntington, NY: Juris Pub., 2015.
Joan E. Schaffner and Julie L. Fershtman. Litigating Animal Law Disputes: A Complete Guide for Lawyers. Chicago: ABA Press, 2009.
Robert L. Glicksman, LeRoy Paddock and Nicholas S. Bryner. Decision Making in Environmental Law. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub., 2016.
LeRoy C. Paddock, Louis Kotze, et al. Compliance and Enforcement in Environmental Law: Toward More Effective Enforcement. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Laird Kirkpatrick and Christopher Mueller. Federal Evidence. 4th ed. St. Paul: Thomson Reuters/Westlaw, 2013 - . (6 vol.)
Laird Kirkpatrick and Christopher Mueller. Evidence. 5th ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2012.
Laird Kirkpatrick, Christopher Mueller and Charles H. Rose III. Evidence: Practice under the Rules. 4th ed. New York : Aspen Law & Business, 2012.
Stephen A. Saltzburg, Daniel J. Capra, and Michael M. Martin. Federal Rules of Evidence Manual: A Complete Guide to the Federal Rules of Evidence. 11th ed. San Francisco: LexisNexis Matthew Bender, 2015. (6 vol.)
Stephen A. Saltzburg, Lee D. Schinasi, et al. Military Rules of Evidence Manual. 8th ed. New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis, 2015. (2 vol.)
Roger A Fairfax. Grand Jury 2.0: Modern Perspectives on the Grand Jury. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2010.
Roger A. Schechter. Intellectual Property: The Law of Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks. St. Paul: Thomson West, 2012.
Sean D. Murphy. Principles of International Law. 2nd ed. St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2012.
Charles B. Craver, et al. Employment Law. 5th ed. St. Paul: Thomson Reuters, 2014. (2 vol.)
Robert L. Glicksman and George C. Coggins. Public Natural Resources Law. 2nd ed. St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2007- . (4 vol.)
Charles B. Craver. The Art of Negotiation in the Business World. New Providence, N.J.: LexisNexis, 2014.
Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Privacy Law Fundamentals. 3d ed. Portsmouth, NH: International Association of Privacy Professionals, 2015.
Steven L. Schooner, Ralph C. Nash, and Karen O'Brian-Bakey. The Government Contracts Reference Book: A Comprehensive Guide to the Language of Procurement. 4th ed. Riverwoods, IL: CCH, 2013.
Christopher R. Yukins, John Cibinic, and Ralph C. Nash. Formation of Government Contracts. 4th ed. Washington, DC: The George Washington University, 2011; [Riverwoods, IL: Wolters Kluwer, 20--?].
Lisa A. Fairfax. Shareholder Democracy: A Primer on Shareholder Activism and Participation. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2011.
Stephen A. Saltzburg and Herbert Jay Stern. Trying Cases to Win: In One Volume. Chicago: ABA Publishing, 2013.
Stephen A. Saltzburg. Trial Tactics. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C. : Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Association, 2012.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. Introductory Accounting for Lawyers. St. Paul: West Academic, 2014.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. Introductory Accounting, Finance and Auditing for Lawyers. 5th ed. St. Paul, MN : Thomson West, 2009.
Robert L. Glicksman and Richard E. Levy. Administrative Law: Agency Action in Legal Context. 2nd ed. St. Paul: Foundation Press, 2014.
Richard J. Pierce, Jr. Administrative Law. 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2012.
Richard J. Pierce, Jr., and Kristin E. Hickman. Federal Administrative Law: Cases and Materials. 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2014.
Richard J. Pierce, Sidney A. Shapiro, and Paul R. Verkuil. Administrative Law and Process. 6th ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2014.
Robert L. Glicksman and Rick Levy. Statutory Analysis in the Regulatory State. New York: Foundation Press, 2014.
William E. Kovacic, Andrew I. Gavil, et al. Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts and Problems in Competition Policy. 3rd ed. St. Paul: West Academic Publishing, 2017.
Peter Raven-Hansen, Joseph W. Glannon, and Andrew M. Perlman. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2014.
Roger Trangsrud and Jay H. Tidmarsh. Modern Complex Litigation. 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2010.
Charles B. Craver, Edward Brunet and Ellen E. Deason. Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Advocate's Perspective: Cases and Materials. 5th ed. 2016.
Charles B. Craver. Effective Legal Negotiation and Settlement. 8th ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2016.
Orin S. Kerr. Computer Crime Law. 3rd ed. St. Paul: Thomson West, 2013.
Gregory Maggs and Peter J. Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach. 3d ed. St. Paul: West, 2015.
Robert Brauneis and Roger E. Schechter. Copyright: A Contemporary Approach. St. Paul: West, 2012.
Lawrence A. Cunningham and Linda Smiddy. Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials and Problems. 9th ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2016).
Theresa Gabaldon and Christopher L. Sagers. Business Organizations. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
Dalia Tsuk Mitchell and Lawrence E. Mitchell. Corporations: Cases and Materials. 2nd ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2012.
Lawrence A. Cunningham, Lawrence E. Mitchell and Jeffrey J. Haas. Corporate Finance and Governance: Cases, Materials and Problems. 3rd ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2006.
Jonathan R. Siegel. Federal Courts: Cases and Materials. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Courts Martial and Courts of Inquiry
Gregory Maggs and Lisa Schenck. Modern Military Justice: Cases and Materials. 2d ed. St. Paul: West Group, 2015.
Cynthia Lee and Angela Harris. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials. 3rd ed. St. Paul: West, 2014.
Stephen A. Saltzburg, John L. Diamond, et al. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials. 3rd ed. New York: Lexis, 2008.
Orin S. Kerr, Yale Kamisar, et al. Basic Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 14th ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 2015.
Orin S. Kerr, Yale Kamisar, Yale, et al. Advanced Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 13th ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 2012.
Cynthia Lee, Song Richardson, and Tamara Lawson. Criminal Procedure: Cases and Materials. Eagan, MN: West Academic Pub., 2016.
Stephen A. Saltzburg and Daniel J. Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary. 10th ed. St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2014.
Charles B. Craver, Arthur B. Smith, Jr., and Ronald Turner. Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials. 8th ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2016.
Michael Selmi and Diane Avery, et al. Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace. 9th ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 2016.
Emily Hammond, Joel B. Eisen, et al. Energy, Economics, and the Environment. St. Paul, MN: Foundation Press, 2015.
Robert L. Glicksman and David Markell, et al. Environmental Protection: Law and Policy. 7th edition. Austin, TX: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Laird Kirkpatrick and Christopher Mueller. Evidence under the Rules: Text, Cases and Problems. 8th ed. New York: Aspen Law & Business, 2015.
Stephen A. Saltzburg, Dennis J. Prater, et al. Evidence: The Objection Method. 4th ed. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis, 2016.
Naomi R. Cahn, Catherine J. Ross et. al. Contemporary Family Law. 4th ed. St. Paul: West Academic, 2015.
Roger G. Steinhardt, Paul Hoffman, and Christopher N. Camponovo. International Human Rights Lawyering: Cases and Materials. St. Paul: West, 2009.
Sean D. Murphy and Lori Damrosch. International Law: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. St. Paul: West, 2014.
Paul Schiff Berman, Patricia L. Bellia, et al. Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence in the Information Age. 4th ed. St. Paul: West, 2010.
Charles B. Craver, Theodore J. St. Antoine and Marion G. Crain. Labor Relations Law: Cases and Materials 13th ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2016.
Michael Selmi, Marion G. Crain, and Pauline T. Kim. Worklaw: Cases and Materials. 3rd ed. Newark: LexisNexis, 2015.
Alberto Benitez. An Introduction to the United States Legal System: Cases and Comments. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2006.
Christy DeSanctis and Michael D. Murray. Legal Writing and Analysis. 2d ed. St. Paul: Foundation Press, 2015.
Christy DeSanctis and Michael D. Murray. Advanced Legal Writing and Oral Advocacy: Trials, Appeals and Moot Court. 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2014.
Christy DeSanctis and Michael D. Murray. Legal Research Methods. 2d ed. St. Paul: Foundation Press, 2015.
Christy DeSanctis and Michael D. Murray. Legal Research and Writing Across the Curriculum: Problems and Exercises. New York: Foundation Press, 2009.
Peter Raven-Hansen, Stephen Dycus, and William C. Banks. Counterterrorism Law. 3d ed. New York: Walters Kluwer Law & Business, 2016.
Peter Raven-Hansen, Stephen Dycus, et al. National Security Law. 6th ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2016.
Martin J. Adelman, Shubha Ghosh, et al. Global Issues in Patent Law. St. Paul: West, 2011.
Martin J. Adelman, Randall R. Rader and John R. Thomas. Cases and Materials on Patent Law. 4th ed. St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2015.
F. Scott Kieff, Herbert F.Schwartz, et al. Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. New York : Foundation Press, New York 2013.
Theresa Gabaldon and Larry D. Soderquist. Securities Regulation. 8th ed. New York, NY: Foundation Press, 2013.
Gregory Maggs. Terrorism and the Law: Cases and Materials. 2nd ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 2010.
Roger A. Schechter and Peter B. Maggs. Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Comments. 7th ed. St. Paul: West Group, 2007.
Naomi R. Cahn, Susan N. Gary, et al. Contemporary Trusts and Estates. 3rd ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
United States – Foreign Relations
Sean D. Murphy, Edward Swaine, et al. Foreign Relations and National Security Law: Cases, Materials and Simulations. 4th ed. St. Paul, MN : Thomson West, 2012.
Sean D. Murphy, Edward Swaine, et al. U.S. Foreign Relations Law: Cases, Materials and Simulations. St. Paul: West Group, 2012.
Francesca Bignami and David Zaring. Comparative Law and Regulation: Understanding the Global Regulatory Process. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub., 2016.
African Americans – Politics & Government
Christopher A. Bracey. Saviors or Sellouts: The Promise and Peril of Black Conservatism, From Booker T. Washington to Condoleezza Rice. Boston : Beacon Press, 2008.
Michael Selmi. Age and Equality Law. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013.
Joan E. Schaffner. An Introduction to Animals and the Law. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Joan E. Schaffner. The Lawyer’s Guide to Dangerous Dog Issues. Chicago: ABA Press, 2009
William E. Kovacic and Ben van Rompuy. Economic Efficiency: The Sole Concern of Modern Antitrust Policy?: Non-Efficiency Considerations under Article 101 TFEU. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2012.
Naomi R. Cahn and Wendy Kramer. Finding Our Families: A First-Of-Its-Kind Book for Donor-Conceived People and Their Families. New York: Avery Trade, 2013.
Michael Abramowicz. Predictocracy: Market Mechanisms for Public and Private Decision Making. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.
Robert W. Tuttle and Ira C. Lupu. Secular Government, Religious People. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2014.
Robert W. Tuttle and Ira C. Lupu. The State of the Law: A Cumulative Report on Legal Developments Affecting Government Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations. Albany: Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York, 2008.
Susan R. Jones and Roger A. Clay. Building Healthy Communities: A Guide to Community Economic Development for Advocates, Lawyers and Policymakers. Chicago : American Bar Association Publishing, 2009.
Neil H. Buchanan. The Debt Ceiling Disasters: How the Republicans Created an Unnecessary Constitutional Crisis and How the Democrats Can Fight Back. Durham, N.C: Carolina Academic Press, 2013.
Bradford R. Clark and Anthony J. Bellia, Jr. The Law of Nations and the United States Constitution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Jeffrey Rosen and Benjamin Wittes. Constitution 3.0: Freedom & Technological Change. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2011.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. Contracts in the Real World: Stories of Popular Contracts and Why They Matter. 2nd ed. Cambridge [UK]: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Blake D. Morant, Larry A. DiMatteo, et al. Visions of Contract Theory: Rationality, Bargaining and Interpretation. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2007.
F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes. Perspectives on Corporate Governance. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Lawrence A. Cunningham and Linda Smiddy. Soderquist on Corporate Law and Practice 3rd ed. New York: Practising Law Institute, 2007 .
Karen B. Brown. A Comparative Look at Regulation of Corporate Tax Avoidance. New York: Springer, 2012.
Jeffrey Rosen. The Most Democratic Branch: How the Courts Serve America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Laura Dickinson. Outsourcing War and Peace: Protecting Public Values in an Era of Privatized Foreign Affairs. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011.
Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone. Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Naomi R. Chan and Amy Ziettlow. Homeward Bound: Modern Families, Elder Care, and Loss. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone. Marriage Markets: How Inequality Is Remaking the American Family. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Spencer A. Overton. Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression. New York: Norton, 2006.
LeRoy C. Paddock and Jessica A. Wentz. Next Generation Environmental Compliance and Enforcement. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Law Institute, 2014.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998-2000
Sean D. Murphy, Won Kidane, and Thomas R. Snider. Litigating War: Arbitration of Civil Injury by the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Laird Kirkpatrick. Oregon Evidence. 6th ed. Newark, N.J.: LexisNexis, 2013.
Laurie S. Kohn. Litigating Civil Protection Order Cases: A Practice Manual. Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Law Center/WEAVE, 2011.
Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr., and Larry Mitchell. The Panic of 2008: Causes, Consequences and Implications for Reform. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Catherine J. Ross. Lessons in Censorship: How Schools and Courts Subvert Students’ First Amendment Rights. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015.
Dawn Nunziato. Virtual Freedom : Net Neutrality and Free Speech in the Internet Age. Stanford, CA : Stanford Law Books, 2009.
Christopher R. Yukins and Gabriells M. Racca. Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts: Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally. Brussels: Bruylant, 2014.
Orin S. Kerr, Randy E. Barnett, et al. A Conspiracy Against Obamacare: The Volokh Conspiracy and the Health Care Case. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Naomi R. Cahn. The New Kinship: Constructing Donor-Conceived Families. New York: New York University Press, 2012.
Naomi R. Cahn. Test Tube Families: Why the Fertility Market Needs Legal Regulations. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Arturo Carrillo and Annalise Nelson. Comparative Law Study and Analysis of National Legislation Relating to Crimes Against Humanity and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. [Washington, D.C.]: International Human Rights Clinic, George Washington University Law School, 2013.
F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes. Perspectives on Commercializing Innovation. Cambridge [UK]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Steve Charnovitz, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Jisun Kim. Global Warming and the World Trading System. Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2009.
Paul Schiff Berman. Law & Society Approaches to Cyberspace. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2007.
Lawrence A. Cunningham, Torkell T. Eide and Patrick Hargreaves. Quality Investing: Owning the Best Companies for the Long Term. Petersfield, Hampshire, Great Britain: Harriman House, 2016.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. The Buffett Essays Symposium: A 20th Anniversary Annotated Transcript with Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger. Petersfield, UK: Harriman House, 2016.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. The Essays of Warren Buffet: Lessons for Corporate America. 4th ed. [Durham, N.C.] : Carolina Academic Press, 2015.
Lawrence A. Cunningham. Berkshire Beyond Buffett: The Enduring Value of Values. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
Jeffrey Rosen. Louis D. Brandeis: American Prophet. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Donald C. Clarke. China’s Legal System: New Developments, New Challenges. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Paul Schiff Berman. Global Legal Pluralism: A Jurisprudence of Law Beyond Borders. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Dalia Tsuk Mitchell. Architect of Justice: Felix S. Cohen and the Founding of American Legal Pluralism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2007.
Michael Abramowicz, James Daily and F. Scott Kieff. Perspectives on Patentable Subject Matter. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Martin J. Adelman, Randall R. Rader, Toshiaki Iimura and Yves Reboul. Law, Politics and Revenue Extraction on Intellectual Property. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Martin J. Adelman, Robert Brauneis, et al. Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World: Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009.
Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Consumer Privacy and Data Protection. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Privacy, Law Enforcement and National Security. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Daniel J. Solove. Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2011.
Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Privacy, Information, and Technology. 3rd ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2011.
Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Privacy and the Media. New York: Aspen, 2009.
Daniel J. Solove. Understanding Privacy. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2008.
Daniel J. Solove. The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.
Jessica Tillipman and Susan Arrowsmith. Reform of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement: Procurement Regulation for the 21st Century. 2010-2011 ed. Eagan, MN: West, 2010.
Cynthia Lee. Searches and Seizures: The Fourth Amendment, Its Constitutional History and the Contemporary Debate. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2010.
Christopher A. Bracey, David Thomas Konig, and Paul Finkelman. The Dred Scott Case: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Race and Law. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010.
Robert J. Cottrol. The Long, Lingering Shadow: Slavery, Race and Law in the American Hemisphere. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2013.
Karen B. Brown. Taxation and Development: A Comparative Study. Cham: Springer, 2017.
Karen B. Brown, David A. Brennen and Darryll K. Jones. Beyond Economic Efficiency in United States Tax Law. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2013.
Jeffrey Rosen. The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries that Defined America. New York: Times Books, 2007.
F. Scott Kieff, Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr., and James E. Daily. Perspectives on Financing Innovation. New York: Routledge, 2014.
Robert L. Glicksman and Dietrick Earnhart. Pollution Limits and Polluters’ Efforts to Comply: The Role of Government Monitoring and Enforcement. Stanford, CA: Stanford Economics and Finance, 2011.
Naomi R. Cahn, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, and Dina Francesca Haynes. On the Frontlines: Gender, War, and the Post-Conflict Process. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Steve Charnovitz. The Path of World Trade Law in the 21st Century. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Studies in International Economics, 2014.