Voice of America Russia spoke to Peter Meyers on why America has taken a step back in legalizing marijuana.
Peter H. Meyers
Professor of Law Emeritus
Peter H. Meyers joined the law faculty in 1994. He served as Director of the law school’s Criminal Appeals Clinic and Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic.
Professor Meyers has published several articles in the area of criminal law, including articles on the constitutionality of pretrial drug testing and releasing prisoners pursuant to the Second Look Amendment Act. He has also published several articles advocating for the reform of the two federal vaccine injury compensation programs. His novel, Jill’s Trials, is scheduled for publication by Belle Isle Books in mid-February 2025. His article on the Second Look Amendment Act in the Washington Lawyer Magazine was awarded the prize for best commentary and criticism in any newsletter or trade publication by the DC Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists in June 2024.
Professor Meyers has served as a Designated Reviewer of nine publications issued by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine. He has also served as Director of the Center for the Study of Drug Policy, and as Chairman of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines Workgroup of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Professor Meyers began his legal career more than forty years ago as a consumer and environmental advocate, winning an important decision in the U.S. Supreme Court that citizens have standing to sue the federal government to prevent environmental damage. He now practices primarily as a criminal defense attorney representing clients who have been found not guilty, or had their convictions overturned on appeal, for murder, armed robbery, drug dealing, and other crimes.
After taking emeritus status, he continues to teach a class on Drugs and the Law at the law school, as well as teach in the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Programs at Saint Elizabeths Hospital and the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
He has been widely quoted in national and international media, including The Washington Post, USA Today, FOX TV, the Times (UK), and TBS (South Korea). His interests include jazz, golf, and Chinese calligraphy. He lives in Washington, DC, with his wife Sara Schotland and Biscuit, their cocker spaniel.
Voice of America Russia spoke to Peter Meyers on why America has taken a step back in legalizing marijuana.
"Take a Chance? Releasing D.C. Prisoners Under the Second Look Amendment Act"
Peter Meyers wrote an article for the Washington Lawyer for their July/August issue.
"Those injured by COVID-19 vaccine still waiting for government compensation"
Peter Meyers was on WJLA ABC 7 to discuss people injured by a COVID vaccine seeking government compensation.
BA, Marietta College; JD, George Washington University