(With Ralph C. Nash et al.) The Government Contracts Reference Book: A Comprehensive Guide to the Language of Procurement. 5th ed. Riverwoods, IL: Wolters Kluwer, 2021.
First edition (with Ralph C. Nash, Jr.) published in 1992 by The George Washington University.
Second edition (with Ralph C. Nash and Karen O'Brian) published in 1998 by The George Washington University.
Third edition (with Ralph C. Nash, Karen O'Brian-Bakey and Vernon J. Edward) published in 2007 by CCH.
Fourth edition (with Ralph C. Nash and Karen O’Brian-Bakey) published in 2013 by CCH.
(Forum Participant). Iraq Reconstruction: Lessons in Contracting and Procurement. Arlington: Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 2006.
A Practical Guide to the FAR & DFARS: Course Material. Washington, DC: Federal Publications, 1991.
First edition published in 1990.
(Contributing author). The Government Contract Compliance Handbook. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Federal Publications, Inc., 1991.
(With Judge Reba Page, Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams, John S. Pachter.) In Memoriam: Honorable Ruth Thelma Cooper Breslauer Burg (1926-2023), 52 Pub. Cont. L.J. 493 (2024).
Why Sustainable Procurement? Read All About It, Cont. Mgmt., Apr. 2024, at 48.
Ethics, Compliance, and the Dispiriting Saga of Craig Whitlock’s Fat Leonard, 66 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 118 (May 8, 2024).
(With Chloë Waterman & Rachel Clark.) Food Procurement: An Essential Ingredient to Mitigating Climate Change and Enhancing Public Health, Cont. Mgmt., Feb. 2024, at 50.
(With Polly Hall & Tim Cooke.) Leveraging the Federal Government’s Buying Power to Mitigate Climate Change, Contract Mgmt., Dec. 2023, at 40.
(With Robert D. Anderson, Antonella Salgueiro & Marc Steiner.) Deploying the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) to Enhance Sustainability and Accelerate Climate Change Mitigation, 32 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 223 (2023).
(With Désirée U. Klingler.) Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement Through Economic Policy Tools: From Moral Suasion to Nudging, European J. Pub. Procurement Mkts., Dec. 2022, at 67.
(With Gustavo Piga.) Transformational Procurement—The Past and Future of Global and Local Public Purchasing—Views from the Expert Community On What Public Money Did and Will Still Need to Buy, 64 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 266 (2022).
(With Evan Matsuda.) Strange Bedfellows: Representative Democracy and Academic Engagement with the Defense Industry, in Ethical Dilemmas in the Global Defense Industry 467 (Daniel Schoeni & Tobias Vestner eds., Oxford University Press, 2023).
No Time to Waste: Embracing Sustainable Procurement to Mitigate the Accelerating Climate Crisis, Cont. Mgmt., Dec. 2021, at 24.
(With Evan Matsuda.) Sustainable Procurement: Building Vocabulary to Accelerate the Federal Procurement Conversation, 21-10 Briefing Papers (Sept. 2021).
(With Karen D. Thornton & Markus Speidel.) Graduate Level Distance Learning: Enhanced Student Experience, Significant Scalability Challenges: A Multiyear Case Study, 71 J. Legal Educ. 596 (2022).
Brand Name or Equal: Without “Equal,” It’s Not Competitive, 34 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 52 (2020).
(With Markus Speidel.) ‘Warming Up’ to Sustainable Procurement, Cont. Mgmt., Oct. 2020, at 32.
We Need to Talk About Corruption, Gov’t Exec. (Sept. 29, 2020, 12:21 PM),
Postscript II: Enhanced Debriefings, 34 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 26 (2020).
Look Up and Around: Musings on Mentors, Role Models, and Professionalism, Cont. Mgmt., Jan. 2020, at 35.
Enhanced Debriefings: A Toothless Mandate?, 35 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 10 (2020).
Commercial Products and Services: Raising The Market Research Bar or Much Ado About Nothing?, 32 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 52 (2018).
Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity Contracts: Time to Correlate Practice and Policy?, 32 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 44 (2018).
False Claims Act: Greater DOJ Scrutiny of Frivolous Qui Tam Actions?, 32 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 20 (2018).
Bid Protests: The RAND Study of DOD Protests at The GAO and The COFC, 32 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶ 10 (2018).
(With Castellano, Nathaniel E.) "Reinvigorating Innovation: Lessons Learned from the Wright Brothers," Contract Management, Apr. 2016, at 46.
"Eyes on the Prize, Head in the Sand: Filling the Due Process Vacuum in Federally Administered Contests," 24 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 391-433 (2015).
Look Up and Around: Musings on Mentors, Role Models, and Professionalism, Cont. Mgmt., Mar. 2014, at 32.
(With Castellano, Nick.) "Prizes! Innovating, Risk Shifting, and Avoiding Contracts and Grants," Public Manager, Winter 2014, at 33-34.
"Reflections on Comparative Public Procurement Law," 43 Public Contract Law Journal 1-2 (2013).
(With Neal Couture.) The Contract Management Body of Knowledge: Understanding an Essential Tool for the Acquisition Profession, Cont. Mgmt., Dec. 2013, at 36.
Postscript: Contract Disputes Act “Claims”: Is “Additional or Unforeseen Work at the Government’s Behest” a Prerequisite?, 26 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶40 (2012).
Postscript III: Challenging an Override of a Protest Stay, 26 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶25 (2012).
Postscript: Defense to a Government Claim is a Contractor Claim, 26 Nash & Cibinic Rep. ¶6 (2012).
Forward to Jessica L. Clark & Kristen E. Murray, Scholarly Writing: Ideas, Examples, and Execution, at xiii (2nd ed. 2012).
(With Kovacs, Pamela J.) "Affirmatively Inefficient Jurisprudence?: Confusing Contractors' Rights to Raise Affirmative Defenses with Sovereign Immunity," 21 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 685-724 (2012).
(With Swan, Colin D.) "Dead Contractors: The Un-Examined Effect of Surrogates on the Public's Casualty Sensitivity," 6 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 11-58 (2012).
(With Anderson, Robert D. and Collin D. Swan.) "The WTO's Revised Government Procurement Agreement: An Important Milestone Toward Greater Market Access and Transparency in Global Public Procurement Markets,"" The Government Contractor, Jan. 11, 2012, at p. 1, 3-7.
Available at
"A Random Walk: The Federal Circuit's 2010 Government Contracts Decisions," 60 American University Law Review 1067-1120 (2011).
Available at:
(With Swan, Colin D.) "Contractors and the Ultimate Sacrifice," Service Contractor, Sept. 2010, at 16-18.
Available at:;
"Federal Contracting and Acquisition," in Framing a Public Management Research Agenda, p. 30-39. [Forum: November 2009.] Washington, D.C. : IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2010.
Available at:
(With Swan, Colin D.) "Suing the Government as a 'Joint Employer' -- Evolving Pathologies of the Blended Workforce," 52 The Government Contractor no. 39, p. 1, 3-7 (October 20, 2010).
Available at
(With Yukins, Christopher.) "Public Procurement: Focus on People, Value for Money and Systemic Integrity, Not Protectionism," The Collapse of Global Trade, Murky Protectionism, and the Crisis: Recommendations for the G20 p. 87-92. Edited by Richard Baldwin and Simon J. Evenett. London : Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2009.
Available at:
(With Yukins, Christopher.) "Tempering 'Buy American' in the Recovery Act: Steering Clear of a Trade War," 51 The Government Contractor no. 10, p. 4-10 (March 11, 2009).
Reprinted in The New Landscape of Government Contracting, p. 49-59. Wayne, PA : Andrews Publications, 2010.
Available at:
(With Greenspahn, Daniel S.). "Too Dependent on Contractors? Minimum Standards for Responsible Governance," 6 Journal of Contract Management 9-25 (2008).
Reprinted in Public Procurement Policy and Law, edited by P.L. Jayanthi Reddy; Hyderabad, India : Icfai University Press, 2010.
Available at:
"Why Contractor Fatalities Matter," 38 Parameters no. 3, p. 78 (Autumn 2008).
Reprinted in Arabic in 87 Contractors in War: International Studies, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (2009).
Available at
(With Yukins, Christopher.) "Incrementalism: Eroding the Impediments to a Global Public Procurement Market." 38 Georgetown Journal of International Law 529-576 (2007).
Available at:
(With Siuda-Pfeffer, Erin). "Post-Katrina Reconstruction Liability: Exposing the Inferior Risk-Bearer." 43 Harvard Journal on Legislation 287-327 (2006).
Available at:
"Contractor Atrocities at Abu Ghraib: Compromised Accountability in a Streamlined, Outsourced Government." 16 Stanford Law & Policy Review 549-572 (2005).
Available at:
"Empty Promise for the Acquisition Workforce." 47 The Government Contractor, no. 18, p. 1-6 (May 4, 2005).
"John Cibinic's Extraordinary Legacy." 35 Public Contract Law Journal, no. 1, p. 21-23 (Fall 2005).
"Risky Business: Managing Interagency Acquisition." 47 The Government Contractor, no. 14, p. 1, 3-6 (Apr. 6, 2005).
Available at:
"Competitive Sourcing Policy: More Sail than Rudder." 33 Public Contract Law Journal 263-297 (2004).
Available at:
"The Paper Tiger Stirs: Rethinking Suspension and Debarment." 14 Public Procurement Law Review 211 (2004).
(With Yukins, Christopher.). "Model Behaviour? Anecdotal Evidence of Tension between Evolving Commercial Public Procurement Practices and Trade Policy." 9 International Trade Law & Regulation 4 (2003).
Available at:
"The Future: Scrutinizing the Empirical Case for the Court of Federal Claims." 71 George Washington Law Review 714-772 (2003).
Available at:
"Desiderata: Objectives for a System of Government Contract Law." 11 Public Procurement Law Review 103 (2002).
Available at:
"Introduction: The Symposium 'Drafting a Government Procurement Law': Lessons Learned from the United States." 11 Public Procurement Law Review 99 (2002).
"Buying the 'Black Beret': Balancing Customer 'Needs' and Socio-Economic Policies." 43 The Government Contractor Sec. 158 (Apr. 18, 2001).
"Fear of Oversight: The Fundamental Failure of Businesslike Government." 50 American University Law Review 627-723 (2001).
Available at:
(With Whiteman, Neil S.). "Purchase Cards and Micro-Purchases: Sacrificing Traditional United States Procurement Policies at the Alter of Efficiency." 9 Public Procurement Law Review 148-170 (2000).
"Watching the Sunset: Anticipating GAO's Study of Concurrent Bid Protest Jurisdiction in the COFC and the District Courts." 42 The Government Contractor Sec. 108 (March 22, 2000).
Available at:
"Mixed Messages: Heightened Complexity in Social Policies Favoring Small Business Interests." 8 Public Procurement Law Review CS78 (no. 3, 1999).
"Pondering the Decline of Federal Government Contract Litigation in the United States." 1999 Public Procurement Law Review Issue 5, pp. 242-250.
(With Coleman, Keith D.). "The CDA at Twenty: A Brief Assessment of BCA Activity." 34 Procurement Lawyer 10-17 (Summer 1999).
"The FTCA Discretionary Function Exception Nullifies $25 Million Malpractice Judgment against the DCAA: A Sigh of Relief Concludes the DIVAD Contract Saga." Army Lawyer 17-24 (March 1999).
"The Future of 'Businesslike' Government: The CBD Asserts its Rights against Debtor Federal Agencies." 41 The Government Contractor Sec. 112 (March 10, 1999).
"What Next? A Heuristic Approach to Revitalizing the Contract Disputes Act of 1978." 28 Public Contract Law Journal 635-653 (Summer 1999).
(With Wallace, David A.). "Contract Law Developments of 1997--The Year in Review." Army Lawyer 3 (January 1998).
(With Wallace, David A.). "Affirmative Action in Procurement: A Preview of the Post-Adarand Regulations in the Context of an Uncertain Judicial Landscape." Army Lawyer 3-17 (September 1997).
"Practice Note: Forewarned is Forearmed: DCAA Held Liable for $25 Million in Damages for Accounting Malpractice." Army Lawyer 37-40 (September 1996).
"Practice Note: Costly Noncompliance with the Assignment of Claims Act: A Reminder for Counsel and Disbursing Officers." Army Lawyer 50-53 (July 1995).
"Practice Note: Allowability Versus Allocability of General and Administrative Expenses: Recent Guidance from the Federal Circuit." Army Lawyer 60-64 (October 1994).
(With Schooner, Heidi M.). "Look Before You Lend: A Lender's Guide to Financing Government Contracts Pursuant to the Assignment of Claims Act." 48 Business Lawyer 535-565 (1993).
(With Nibley, Stuart B. and Richard C. Johnson). "The Unmovable Object (National Security) Meets the Irresistible Force (Environment Protection); Result--Government Contractors are being Crushed by the Impact of Equally Paramount Objectives." 55 Federal Contracts Reports 878-891 (1991).
"Volumes 10-19 Public Contract Law Journal Subject Matter and Authors Index." 20 Public Contract Law Journal 249-291 (1991).
(With Nibley, Stuart B. and Richard C. Johnson). "Applying the TINA to Interorganizational Transfers." 90-11 Costs, Pricing & Accounting Report 3 (1990).
"The Lacey Order: Control of Complex Litigation Before the BCAs (Boards of Contract Appeals)." 9 Construction Lawyer 1 (1989).
"More Bites of Red Herring: Claims Court/BCA Differences in Handling Default Terminations." 2 Nash & Cibinic Report 21 (1988).
(With McCastlain, J. Cal). "To Stay or Not to Stay: Difficult Decisions for Boards of Contract Appeals Confronted with Parallel Proceedings." 16 Public Contract Law Journal 418-445 (1987).
"Impossibility of Performance in Public Contracts: An Economic Analysis." 16 Public Contract Law Journal 229-265 (1986).
(With Connelly, Kevin). "Recovery of Costs for Defense Against the Government's Charge of Illegality." 16 Public Contract Law Journal 94-119 (1986).
"The Davis-Bacon Act: Controversial Implementation of the 50 Percent Rule." 5 Construction Lawyer 9 (1985).
An abridged version reprinted in 10 Employee Relations Law Journal 702-716 (1985).
"Obscene Parody: The Judicial Exception to Fair Use Analysis." 14 Journal of Arts Management & Law 69-94 (1984).
(With Rothlein, Julius). "The Trade Agreements Act - Installation Procurement and International Government Acquisition Law." Army Lawyer 1 (1983).
The Well-Reasoned Case for Reversing the Outsourcing Trend: A Review Essay of Jon Michaels’ Constitutional Coup: Privatization’s Threat to the American Republic, Gov’t Contractor, Oct. 25, 2017, at 1.
(With Nathaniel E. Castellano.) Dawn of the Intercontinental Sniper: The Drone’s Cascading Contribution to the Modern Battlefield’s Complexity, 8 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y 321 (2016) (reviewing Richard Whittle, Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution (2014)).
Review Essay: The Dream Machine: The Untold Story of the Notorious V-22 Osprey, by Richard Whittle. 43 Public Contract Law Journal 391-422 (2014).
Review of The Invisible Soldiers: How America Outsourced Our Security, by Ann Hagedorn. 44 Parameters 152-154 (2014).
(With Castellano, Nathaniel E.) "Dawn of the Intercontinental Sniper: The Drone's Cascading Contribution to the Modern Battlefield's Complexity," Review of Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution, by Richard Whittle. 8 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 321-333 (2014).
"Communicating Governance: Will Plain English Drafting Improve Regulation?" Review of Writing Readable Regulations, by Thomas A. Murawski. 70 George Washington University Law Review 163-180 (2002).
Review of Contract Disputes Act: Annotated, by Robert T. Peacock and Peter D. Ting. 28 Public Contracts Law Journal 117-126 (1998).
"Change, Change Leadership and Acquisition Reform." Review of Real Change Leaders: How You Can Create Growth and High Performance in Your Company, by Jon Katzenbach, et al., Leading Change, by John Kotter and Taking Charge of Change: 10 Principles for Managing People and Performance, by Douglas Smith. 26 Public Contract Law Journal 467-480 (1997).
Review of Construction Management: Law and Practice. 25 Public Contract Law Journal 593-596 (1996).
Chapter author, The Federal Publications Year in Review Conference Briefs. Washington, DC: Federal Publications, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1991.
Available at:
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -
2019 -
2018 -
2017 -
2016 -
2015 -
2014 -
2013 -
2011 -
2010 -
2009 -
2008 -
2007 -
2006 -
2005 -
2004 -
Viewpoint: Stop the Obstruction and Authorize the Transition, Gov’t Exec. (Nov. 12, 2020),
(With Nathaniel E. Castellano.) The VA Grand Challenge: Looking for Love in the Wrong Places, Gov’t Executive (May 20, 2020),
(With Kathleen Clark & Scott Amey.). Viewpoint: Suspend the Trump Organization from Doing Business with Government, Gov’t Executive (Jan. 27, 2020),
(With Kathleen Clark.) Analysis: The President’s Hotel Donation Ruse, Gov’t Executive (Mar. 9, 2018),
(With Kathleen Clark.) The Worst Job in Washington? Counsel to President Trump, The Hill (Feb. 15, 2017, 4:00 PM),
(With Daniel I. Gordon.) Trump’s Business Plan Puts Government Credibility at Risk, The Hill (Jan. 17, 2017, 1:00 PM),
(With Daniel I. Gordon.) GSA’s Trump Hotel Lease Debacle, Gov’t Executive (Nov. 28, 2016),, reprinted as Steven L. Schooner & Daniel I. Gordon, Has Trump’s Election Breached His D.C. Hotel Lease?, Atlantic (Nov. 29, 2016),
(With Daniel I. Gordon.) Trump Leases His D.C. Hotel from a Government Agency He’ll Soon Be in Charge Of, Wash. Post (Nov. 15, 2016),
(With Alan B. Morrison.) Trump's Washington Hotel is a Bridge Too Far for Fair Competition: A Wine Bar's Lawsuit Argues the President's Ownership Unfairly Tilts the Playing Field, Nat'l L. J., Mar. 20, 2017, at 23.
(With Kathleen Clark.) Exploiting Public Office for Private Gain, Gov’t Executive (Jan. 29, 2017),
(With Kelman, Steve.) "Commentary: Achieving Effective Reform," Federal Times, April 13, 2009.
Available at
Op-Ed., "Remember Them Too: Don't Contractors Count When We Calculate the Costs of War?," Washington Post, May 25, 2009, at A21.
(With Kelman, Steve). "Outlook: Scandal or Solution?" 46 Contract Management 62 (Jan. 2006).
"Keeping Up With Procurement." 38 Government Executive, no. 11, p. 74 (July 1, 2006).
"Viewpoint: Procurement Proper." 37 Government Executive, no. 14, p. 86 (Aug. 15, 2005).
"Fiscal Waste? Priceless." Los Angeles Times p. B13 (Sept. 14, 2005).
"Contract Disputes Act" in Major Acts of Congress, edited by Brian K. Landberg. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.
"Viewpoint: Mismanaged Competition." 36 Government Executive no. 8, p. 70 (May 15, 2004).
(With Yukins, Christopher). "Adding Up Efficiency's Cost." 26 Legal Times no. 43 (Nov. 1, 2004).
"Viewpoint: The Open Market." 35 Government Executive, no. 7, p. 80 (June 2003).
"Downsizing Government on the Cheap." New Jersey Star Ledger (Sept. 28, 2003).
"Mending Fences." New Jersey Star Ledger (March 30, 2003).
"Letter to the Editor." Financial Times (December 23, 2003).
(With Yukins, Christopher.). "A Measure of Success." Legal Times 34 (March 17, 2003).
"Viewpoint: Suspensions are Just a Side Show." 34 Government Executive, no. 5, p. 58 (May 2002).
"Viewpoint: Badge of Courage." 34 Government Executive, no. 11, p. 65 (August 2002).
"Requiem for Research." Contract Management Magazine (Nov. 2000).
"Protests Protect Procurement System (Part 2)." FCW.COM (March 8, 1999).
"Who's Watching Now?" Legal Times p. S27 (Apr. 26, 1999).
(With Williams & Mesaros). "Reinventing Acquisition: Expanding Opportunities for Small Businesses in Task Order Contracting." 37 Contract Management 44 (Oct. 1997).
How to Work with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and DOD FAR Supplement (DFARS). (Videotape). Washington, DC: Federal Publications, 1992.
How to Work with the FAR. (Videotape). Washington, DC: Federal Publications, 1988.