Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policymaking Project

Fri, 3 April, 2020 6:00pm

Join the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policymaking Project to see the power of government purchasing and help procurement policymakers overcome challenges in implementing environmentally sustainable goals. The project will introduce students to innovative problem-solving by examining specific policy implementation challenges in the area of environmentally sustainable government procurement and by providing a methodology for addressing problems through hands-on instruction, customer discovery, and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Students from across GW’s biology, law, business, international studies, public health, public policy, anthropology, and engineering programs are invited to participate. Students will hear about the challenges of implementing environmentally sustainable policies from leading policymakers and practitioners in the field. With the assistance of faculty and staff coaches, students will form small, interdisciplinary teams to propose a solution to problems presented by non-governmental organizations, the private sector, or federal agencies. The winning team(s) will share $5000 in cash prizes. All participants will learn the value of undertaking field investigation to understand the practical barriers to achieving mutually agreed upon goals and to solve real-world problems.

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