In the News

“Apple Showdown with FBI over Terrorist's iPhone Reaches Crucial Stage”

Orin S. Kerr is quoted in the San Jose Mercury News about the difficulty of the legal...

"The Gawker-Hulk Hogan Case Shows Not All Truth Has the Same Value"

Daniel Solove writes about freedom of speech and the First Amendment in the New York Times....

“A Glimpse Inside Child Protective Services”

Joan S. Meier is quoted in Fairfax County Times about Child Protective Services.

“From Austerity to Free Trade, Elites Play Catch-Up”

Neil H. Buchanan writes in Newsweek about fraudulent conventional views on political issues...

“EPA's Updated MATS Analysis Kicks Off Co-Benefit Debate”

Robert L. Glicksman is quoted in Bloomberg BNA about Chief Justice John Roberts’ comments on...

"Considering Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland"

Jonathan Turley is interviewed on NPR about the nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme...

"The Supreme Court Standoff: A Roundup of Nomination Coverage"

The Wall Street Journal features comments by Jonathan Turley on the selection of Merrick...

“Only Voters Can Save Merrick Garland”

Jonathan Turley writes in USA Today about Merrick Garland’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme...

“Book Discussion on Lessons in Censorship”

Catherine J. Ross speaks on C-SPAN about her scholarship on free speech rights of students in school...

“Obama Picks SCOTUS Nominee”

Jeffrey Rosen is interviewed on NPR about Merrick Garland’s selection as President Obama’s Supreme...