In the News

"Barr Rejects Watchdog Finding That FBI Was Justified in Opening Trump Probe"

Jonathan Turley is quoted by The Wall Street Journal on an attorney general's right to have an...

"De-gigging the Gender Pay Gap"

Naomi R. Cahn writes for Forbes on how improving the gender pay gap should be an issue of...

"This Man May Be Big Tech’s Biggest Threat"

William E. Kovacic is quoted by The New York Times on how the House's investigation into Big...

"Panic Defense"

Cynthia Lee appeared on the Criminal podcast to discuss the history of the gay panic defense...

"A Shocking Medical Breakthrough Would Allow Anyone to Have a Biological Child"

Sonia M. Suter discusses the future of in-vitro gametogenesis with leapsmag.

"Federal Labor Board Used Flawed Data to Back Union Election Rule"

Richard J. Pierce, Jr. is quoted by Bloomberg Law on how the agency should consider...

"The Founding Fathers Feared Foreign Influence - And Devised Protections Against It"

Stephen A. Saltzburg spoke to the History Channel about the Founding Fathers' concerns over foreign...

"Profs Make Impeachment Case; Democrats Say They’re All In"

Jonathan Turley is quoted by the Associated Press on how the Democrats need a stronger case to impeach...

"Turley: Democrats Offering Passion Over Proof in Trump Impeachment"

Jonathan Turley writes for The Hill on the critiques of his testimony in the House impeachment...

"Anti-Impeachment Witness Says He's Received Threats Since Judiciary Committee Hearing"

Jonathan Turley was profiled by CNN on his academic career, constitutional scholarship, and...