In the News

"Trump's Refusal To Divest From His Companies Is Testing Ethical Limit"

Jessica Tillipman is quoted by Newsday on how the executive branch should not be allowed to profit...

“Facebook, Google Face Off Against a Formidable New Foe: State Attorneys General"

William E. Kovacic is quoted by The Washington Post on how states should coordinate their...

“Joe Biden Lying About Iraq Shows Why Our Nation Has So Many Wars’’

Jonathan Turley writes for The Hill on the consequences of politicians flip-flopping on...

"Fertility Centers Will Keep Inflicting Pain On Families Until the Government Steps In"

Naomi R. Cahn co-writes for USA Today on how the poorly regulated fertility industry has caused abuses...

"From Mind Control To Murder? How a Deadly Fall Revealed the CIA’s Darkest Secrets"

James E. Starrs is quoted by The Guardian on his work on the investigation of CIA scientist...

"'Impressive and a Little Scary': How Amazon and Jeff Bezos Made Washington a Second Home"

David Fontana is quoted by NBC News on how Amazon deployed lobbying efforts to bring the...

"The NRA As a Terrorist Organization? San Francisco Took One Step Too Far."

Jonathan Turley writes for The Hill on the Mayor of San Francisco declaring the NRA a...

"How the Microsoft Antitrust Case Paved the Way for Big Tech"

William E. Kovacic spoke to The Wall Street Journal about what today's tech giants can learn...

"The Problem With Common-law Marriage? It’s Usually About Divorce"

Naomi R. Cahn is mentioned by DeseretNews on how a committee in which she is a member is drafting...

"Maryland Govt. Workers Sue AFSCME Union, Demand Refunds On Illegally Collected Dues"

Charles B. Craver is quoted by The Washington Times on how state workers could collect back dues...