In the News

“Time to Stand Up and Be Counted”

Neil H. Buchanan writes about the opposition against Trump and the early stages of his presidency.

Professor Buchanan Writes in Newsweek

Neil H. Buchanan writes about Trump's presence in the White House and his adviser, Steve Bannon.

“New York Court of Appeals to Hear Argument in ‘In re 381 Search Warrants’ Case”

Orin S. Kerr writes in The Washington Post about search warrants and the Fourth Amendment....

"Dismantling Dodd-Frank -- And More”

Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr. is quoted in The American Prospect in regards to Trump “dismantling”...

“Trump Defends His Immigration Order as Fight Moves Toward Top Court”

John F. Banzhaf III is quoted in Bloomberg about why a three-judge panel may be reluctant to allow...

“Trump Immigration Ban Bound for Supreme Court, Now or Later”

John F. Banzhaf III is quoted in Bloomberg about Trump’s ban and the legal fight over a judge’s...

“Silicon Standoff”

Neil Ruiz is quoted in Vice about how tech companies are set to go against Washington over...

“Trump: U.S. Will Win Appeal of Judge's Travel Ban Order”

Jonathan Turley is quoted in Reuters about Trump's personal attack on U.S. District Judge James Robart...

“For Highest US Court, a Harvard or Yale Education Is a Must”

Jonathan Turley is quoted in Voice of America about why it is wrong to exclude all but graduates of...

“Trump’s Attack on Federal Judge Could Backfire”

John F. Banzhaf III is quoted in Politico about U.S. District Court Judge James Robart...