Just Health: Treating Structural Racism to Heal America (NYU Press, 2022).
(With Natasha Cabrera et al.) Rebalancing: Children First (American Enterprise Institute & Brookings Institution, 2022).
(With Richard J. Bonnie & Ruth Gaare Bernheim.) Public Health Law & Policy: Cases & Materials (2d ed. 2021).
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care (NYU Press, 2015).
(With Emily A. Benfer.) A Clarion Call for Change: The MLP Imperative to Center Racial Discrimination and Structural Health Inequities, 51 J.L. Med. & Ethics 735 (2023).
Structural Inequality: The Real COVID-19 Threat to America’s Health and How Strengthening the Affordable Care Act Can Help, 108 Geo. L.J. 1679 (2020).
Healing Hate: A Public Health Perspective on Civil Rights in America, 27 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 1 (2020).
On Charlottsville, 105 Va. L. Rev. 269 (2019).
Justice and the Struggle for the Soul of Medicaid, 13 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol’y 29 (2019).
Two Threats to Precision Medicine Equity, 29 Ethnicity & Disease 629 (2019).
‘Lessons from the Other America’ Turning a Public Health Lens on Fighting Racism and Poverty, 49 U. Mem. L. Rev. 229 (2018).
Health and Housing: Altruistic Medicalization of America’s Affordability Crisis, 81 Law & Contemp. Probs. 161 (2018).
Next Steps in Health Reform: Hospitals, Medicaid Expansion, and Racial Equity, 46 J. L. Med. & Ethics 906 (2018).
(With B. Cameron Webb et al.) Housing: A Case for the Medicalization of Poverty, 46 J. L. Med. & Ethics 588 (2018).
Legal Battles against Discrimination in Healthcare, in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Health Law 167 (2017).
Medical-Legal Partnerships and Mental Health: Qualitative Evidence that Integrating Legal Services and Health Care Improves Family Well-Being, 17 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 343 (2017).
(With Richard Reeves et al.) Time for Justice: Tackling Race Inequalities in Health and Housing, in Brookings Big Ideas for America 28 (2017).
Toward a Structural Theory of Implicit Racial and Ethnic Bias in Health Care, 25 Health Matrix 61 (2015).
Health Care, Title VI, and Racism’s New Normal, 6 Geo. J. L. & Med. Critical Race Persp. 3 (2014).
Applying Lessons from Social Psychology to Repair the Health Care Safety Net for Undocumented Immigrants, in The Health Care Safety Net in a Post-Reform World 91 (2012).
Reining in the Rogue Squadron: Making Sense of the ‘Original Source’ Exception for Qui Tam Relators, 60 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 409 (2012).
Implementing American Health Care Reform: The Fiduciary Imperative, 59 Buff. L. Rev. 715 (2011).
Defeating Health Disparities – A Property Interest Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, 113 W. Va. L. Rev. 31 (2010).
The Social Psychology of Limiting Healthcare Benefits for Undocumented Immigrants – Moving Beyond Race, Class, and Nativism, 10 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 201 (2010).
The ‘Race Card’ and Reforming American Health Insurance, 14 Conn. Ins. L.J. 435 (2008).
A Property Right to Medical Care, 29 J. Legal Med. 65 (2008).
Race, Religion, and Informed Consent: Lessons from Social Science, 36 J. L. Med. & Ethics 150 (2008).
The Moral Hazard Problem with Privatization of Public Enforcement: The Case of Pharmaceutical Fraud, 40 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 281 (2007).
Disastrous Disasters: Restoring Civil Rights Protections for Victims of the State in Natural Disasters, 2 J. Health & Biomedical L. 213 (2006).
A New Strategy to Combat Racial Inequality in American Health Care Delivery, 9 DePaul J. Health Care L. 793 (2005).
Assessing Patient Protection Laws, 47 St. Louis U. L.J. 299 (2003).
The ‘New Federalism’ Approach to Medicaid: Empirical Evidence the Ceding Inherently Federal Authority to the States Harms Public Health, 90 Ky. L.J. 973 (2002).
Tainted Prosecution of Tainted Claims: The Law, Economics, and Ethics of Fighting Medical Fraud Under the Civil False Claims Act?, 76 Ind. L.J. 525 (2001).
An Economic Model to Analyze the Impact of False Claims Act Cases on Access to Healthcare for the Elderly, Disabled, Rural and Inner-City Poor, 27 Am. J.L. & Med. 439 (2001).
Controlling the Reverse Agency Costs of Employment-Based Health Insurance: Of Markets, Courts, and a Regulatory Quagmire, 31 Wake Forest L. Rev. (1996).
Doing What Comes Naturally: Antitrust Law and Hospital Mergers, 31 Houst. L. Rev. 813 (1994).
The ‘Terminal Condition” Condition in Virginia’s Natural Death Act, 73 Va. L. Rev. 749 (1987).
Big Pharma, White Supremacy, and the Fight Against Covid-19, U.S.L.W. (Apr. 22, 2021, 4:01 AM),
The History of Structural Racism in Charlottesville: Legally-Enforced Segregation and Its Impact on Health, HMS Center for Bioethics (Mar. 8, 2021),