
GW Law faculty members are scholars and practitioners with strong reputations in the legal community.

Our faculty members are among the most cited law faculty in the nation, appearing in print, online, and on-air, in world-renowned media outlets. But first and foremost, each faculty member is devoted to teaching.

Faculty News

Chris Marchese (L), Director of NetChoice Litigation Center looks on as Matt Schruers (C), President and CEO of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), speaks to reporters outside of the US Supreme Court

States Have No Business Regulating the Internet, it Should Be Left Up to Congress

August 20, 2024

In his op-ed, Dean Morrison says the Supreme Court's dormant commerce clause should stop states from imposing content moderation laws on social media sites.

Freedom of speech, person is censored.

Professor Mary Anne Franks Testifies Before The House Committee on Small Business

August 6, 2024

Professor Franks testified before the House Committee on Small Business about the distinction between censorship and protected speech.

Alicia Solow-Niederman (left) and Daniel Solove (right)

Two Faculty Members Quoted During Senate Testimony

July 17, 2024

Professors Alicia Solow-Niederman and Daniel Solove’s research was quoted during a Senate testimony on the need for privacy laws in the age of AI.

In the News

"Companies, Civil Society, Academics Announce Voluntary Principles to Combat Image-Based Sexual Abuse"

The Center for Democracy and Technology quoted Mary Anne Franks on the gravity of nonconsensual disclosure of sexually explicit images.

"US States Struggle to Define “Deepfakes” and Related Terms as Technically Complex Legislation Proliferates"

Tech Policy quoted Mary Anne Franks on the struggles surrounding terminology when it comes to defining deepfakes and other harmful content.

"White House announces Big Tech commitments to reduce image-based sexual abuse"

NBC News interviewed Mary Anne Franks on the delay in enforcing stricter corporate responsibility to prevent product and service abuses before they occur.

Scholarly Work

Our faculty are leading scholars and practitioners—experts whose experience and passion for teaching shape the study and practice of law. Learn more about publications and other work written by our faculty.

Daniel J. Solove
Breached!: Why Data Security Law Fails and How to Improve It

Rosa Celorio
Women and International Human Rights in Modern Times: A Contemporary Casebook 

Dayna Bowen Matthew
Just Health: Treating Structural Racism to Heal America

Catherine J. Ross
A Right to Lie? Presidents, Other Liars, and the First Amendment

Additional Faculty Scholarship News

Faculty Books